Ukrainian military announces power outages “indefinitely” after battles around the capital – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

It is the governor of Kyiv who reports the damage, according to Reuters. Ukrainian authorities say that several Russian airstrikes hit targets in the area around the Ukrainian capital on Thursday morning. The network operator Ukrenergo announces more rationing of electricity in the future, in a statement on the messaging app Telegram. Kyiv Governor Oleksij Kuleba wrote that one of the cities in the region was fired upon during the night, but not which one it was. – Last night the enemy damaged the facilities for the power infrastructure in our region. Several critical facilities have been switched off, he further said in a video clip, also published on Telegram. Some of the rockets are said to have been stopped by Ukrainian defences. The attack came after the flight alert went off four times in the capital on Wednesday. The information has not been independently confirmed. The picture has been sent out by the Ukrainian authorities, and is supposed to show fire crews trying to extinguish an energy power plant after a Russian attack. Photo: STATE EMERGENCY SERVICE OF UKRAI / Reuters Russia has stepped up its attacks on important infrastructure in Ukraine, including the power supply, in recent weeks. They have led to several millions of people going without electricity and heat for longer periods of time. Now winter is also on its way. The governing authorities in Ukraine say the goal of the Russians is to break down morale among the people by denying basic needs such as light and heat, reports Reuters. They still say that the Ukrainians will not let themselves be broken. Russian authorities, for their part, claim that they are destroying the infrastructure in the country in order to break down the Ukrainian military and remove what they call “a potential threat to their own security”. Yeva (19) waits until spring to move home Due to the limited energy capacity in the country, Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk is asking Ukrainian refugees to wait to come home until the winter is over. news has interviewed Yeva Naumova, one of the 30,000 who live in Norway. She has chosen to follow this advice, even though she is here alone. Yeva Naumova plans to stay in Norway until the winter is over in her hometown. Photo: NADIR MOHAMMAD ALAM – I agree. The firing season has not yet started in Ukraine. If Ukrainians come back from abroad, there will be congestion, and everything will shut down. – I don’t want to return to Ukraine, because now the season starts, and it’s very cold. Where I live, it is a very cold winter. The leader of the Ukrainian association in eastern Norway, Tetyana Bondarenko, tells news that Yeva is not the only one who has chosen to wait. – Ukrainians long for home, but know that the situation is tough in Ukraine, and listen to what the prime minister says. – To make it through the winter, they have to wait until next year, until it gets warm again. Hanging up emergency provisions in the lifts Now that power outages happen to Kyiv almost daily, several residents have started hanging up emergency provisions in the lifts of high-rise apartment blocks. This is reported by Reuters, which has spoken to one of them. Taras Logginov (63) works for the Ukrainian Raudekrossen. In a typical “survival pack”, as he calls it, there is drinking water, protein bars, a flashlight and a container that can be used as a toilet. He also includes a soap bubble bottle for children’s entertainment, and a foam cushion to sit on. – I could of course claim that I came up with this myself, but the truth is that I saw it on the internet, says Logginov to the agency. Logginov, who is responsible for some of these survival packages, usually works for the Ukrainian Red Cross. Photo: Leo Correa / AP Because attacks by Russian forces have led to less energy security, posts on social media abound with tips on what ordinary people can do during a power outage. Local authorities in Ukraine have warned that it is dangerous to use the elevator when the flight alarm goes off, but many of the buildings in Kyiv have 15 to 20 floors. For some of the older residents, the stairs are not an option. Logginov’s wife, Liudmylla, tells Reuters that the war makes them know their neighbors much better than before. – We talk more, we smile more. Yes, it brings us together to a large extent, she says. – When Taras started hanging up these packages, people started coming up to us and asking if they could help. Asking people to limit their energy use Late on Wednesday evening, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi said that he had met several top leaders in his government to discuss the country’s energy crisis. He asked the people to continue limiting their consumption until further notice. Tetiana Boikiv (52, right) and her neighbor Svitlana Pryimachenko (48) live in the village of Ozera in the Kyiv region. Photo: Emilio Morenatti / AP – In many cities and regions in Ukraine, there are power outages. Energy consumption must be limited, he said. – But we all have to think about one thing: we need to win over Russia in the energy sphere as well. In recent days, the counter-offensive to Ukraine in the Kherson region has slowed down due to heavy rainfall and difficult terrain, reports Reuters. The agency adds that there are also no dramatic changes on the front line in the east. Also in his evening speech to the people, Zelenskyj said that the enemy’s attack on the city of Bakhmut is a sign of “madness” on the Russian side. INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF WAR AND AEI’S CRITICAL THREATS PROJECT / news (Updated 26 October 2022)INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF WAR AND AEI’S CRITICAL THREATS PROJECT / news (Updated 26 October 2022) The village is located in the Donetsk region in the east, and had 70,000 inhabitants before the war. It has been at the center of Russia’s regrets. Should they manage to take over the village, it will be a symbolic victory on the Russian side. – This is where you see the madness of the Russian commanders most clearly, said Zelenskyj. – Every single day for several months, they have killed people in this area by concentrating the artillery attack there at its highest level. Supposed to have shot down combat drones late last night In southern Ukraine, the Russian army is said to have shot down more than 20 Iranian-produced Shahed-136 combat drones during the two hours before midnight on Wednesday, says the Ukrainian Air Force. A Russian combat drone over Kyiv, just before it started shooting at buildings in the city. The picture was taken on 17 October. Photo: Efrem Lukatsky / AP 19 of the drones were shot down, most of them over the Odesa area, they added. It is not only the Russians who use drones in their warfare. Last night, the Russian-supporting authorities on the annexed Crimean peninsula also reported drone attacks from the Ukrainian side. According to Governor Mikhail Razvozjajev in the city of Sevastopol in Crimea, a power plant caught fire during the attack, but the attack did not cause significant damage. It has also not been reported that people were injured, and the incident had no impact on the power supply in the port city, he says further. Several such attacks have been reported in Crimea in recent months, and explosions at military installations on the peninsula. Ukraine has not officially taken responsibility for these.
