Ukraine owes Russia for child torture – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– Yes, it is true that we have documented child torture for the first time. I didn’t think it was possible to search lower for Bucha and Irpin, says Commissioner Dmytro Lubinets, according to the newspaper Pravda. The worst, he says, they saw in Kherson, which was liberated by Ukrainian forces last month. In one of the torture chambers, local authorities are said to have discovered a separate cell close to where the adults were held captive. Several of these adults claim they knew the Russians had Ukrainian children locked up there, and the occupiers themselves called it a “children’s cell”, according to Lubinets. A basement where a Ukrainian court for war crimes claims that Ukrainian prisoners were tortured by the Russians. news does not know if this is the chamber the Ukrainian human rights commissioner is describing. Photo: Evgeniy Maloletka / APE A basement where a Ukrainian court for war crimes claims that Ukrainian prisoners were tortured by the Russians. news does not know if this is the chamber the Ukrainian Commissioner for Human Rights is describing. Photo: Evgeniy Maloletka / AP – It was the same damp room. The only difference was that they threw very thin mats on the floor and said that these were for children. – These are children who, according to the occupiers, met them with resistance. Lubinets further says that the children in the chamber were only given water every other day, almost no food at all, and were told that their parents had abandoned them and would not return. A 14-year-old boy is said to have been taken prisoner because he took a picture of destroyed Russian equipment. According to the commissioner, he was arrested and tortured in a similar chamber. A drawing on the wall in one of the rooms where Ukraine claims that people were tortured by the Russian occupation in Kherson. Photo: MURAD SEZER / Reuters A drawing on the wall in one of the rooms where Ukraine claims that people were tortured by the Russian occupation in Kherson. Photo: MURAD SEZER / Reuters Several dozen torture chambers are said to have been found in the liberated parts of Kherson, Kharkiv and Donetsk counties. A court in Kherson says they have found four places in the city so far where people have been tortured, according to the Kyiv Independent. This information has not been independently confirmed. Russia has not responded to the debts either. – A night of horror – We have not yet checked this with other sources on the ground, but there is no particular reason to doubt that gross assaults have taken place in Kherson, says Ivar Dale, who is a senior professional adviser at the Helsinki Committee. He refers to other known human rights violations in the area where the Russian forces had control, such as torture and mass graves, and thinks it is likely that Lubinets is telling the truth. – There are lawless conditions in these areas. Those who have sadistic traits among the soldiers have had an outlet for it. – It has often been seen that it is not just a question of them controlling or securing an area, but that there is direct mistreatment with bestial torture methods. Igor (22) says he was tortured with electric shock weapons by Russians in Kherson. Photo: Bernat Armangue / APIgor (22) says he was tortured with electric shock weapons by Russians in Kherson. Photo: Bernat Armangue / AP During the period when Kherson was under Russian occupation, Dale says he had regular contact with people in the city. – It has been a nightmare for the Ukrainians there. People had to try to keep their heads down, and talk about checks and checkpoints that were set up all over the city. – Then it is precisely this type of torture chamber or filtration camps that people fear, because you know what has happened in other parts of Ukraine where the Russians have had control. Dale believes that the stories that come out of Kherson in the future will be important when someone is to be held accountable in the future. Don’t know how many children have been affected by the war Ukraine claims that at least 443 children have been killed and more than 855 injured since the war started. The real numbers are expected to be higher because they do not include Mariupol and Volnovakha. write the Kyiv Independent. Lines on the wall marked the days the Ukrainian prisoners were held in the room, according to the Ukrainian war crimes tribunal. Photo: Evgeniy Maloletka / AP Lines on the wall marked the days the Ukrainian prisoners were held in the room, according to the Ukrainian war crimes court. Photo: Evgeniy Maloletka / AP While the authorities believe that one in three Ukrainian children have fled their homes after the Russian invasion, there are still many in the occupied territories. Ukraine’s Commissioner for Children’s Rights and Rehabilitation, Daria Herasymchuk. reported a week ago that Russia has illegally deported more than 13,000 Ukrainian children. She also says that the speech they have is incomplete. – We have not yet heard of at least several tens of thousands of children who were stolen by the Russian authorities. UN: Prisoners of war tortured on both sides Ukrainian prisoners of war held by Russia are not the only ones reporting bad treatment. Last month, the UN’s Human Rights Committee published a report which stated that prisoners of war on both sides of the conflict report having been tortured in captivity. The report is based on interviews with 159 Ukrainians held captive by Russia and 175 Russians held in Ukraine. It was only Ukraine that allowed the investigators to investigate the prisoners’ whereabouts – Russia’s prisoners were only interviewed after they had been released. Russian soldiers during a prisoner exchange with Ukraine earlier in December. The picture has been sent out by the Russian Ministry of Defence. Photo: / APRussian soldiers during a prisoner exchange with Ukraine earlier in December. The photo has been sent out by the Russian Ministry of Defence. Photo: / AP A large majority of the Ukrainian prisoners taken to Russia who were interviewed said that they were subjected to torture or ill-treatment. Several witnesses describe seeing prisoners of war being killed “in an entry procedure” in a prison camp near Olenivka, where people were stripped, beaten, and in some cases set upon by dogs. The UN has received information about eight such deaths as a result of this, and has also documented several cases of sexual violence. Head of the UN’s monitoring mission for human rights in Ukraine, Matilda Bogner, says they have also heard “credible allegations” of torture and ill-treatment from Russian prisoners, which are said to have been carried out by Ukrainian soldiers. Dead prisoners of war are lined up for examination in the Russian prison camp Olenivka. Both Russia and Ukraine are to blame for torturing their prisoners of war. Photo: / APDead prisoners of war are lined up for examination in the Russian prison camp Olenivka. Both Russia and Ukraine are to blame for torturing their prisoners of war. Photo: / AP – In several cases, prisoners of war were stabbed or given electric shocks from the military telephone “TAPik”, by Ukrainian police or military personnel who were guarding them, writes Bogner. – Often naked, they were stuffed into trucks or vans with their hands tied behind their backs. In one of the prison colonies in the Dnipropetrovsk region and in several detention facilities, Russian prisoners are said to have been given what the prison guards call a “welcome bank”. Ukraine says they have started several criminal investigations into debtors like this, and Bogner writes that they are waiting for the conclusions. They are nevertheless critical of Ukraine continuing to convict Ukrainian citizens who are members of military groups linked to Russia. They say that convicting soldiers for taking part in the international conflict violates international law, and that torture and ill-treatment of prisoners of war is also illegal.
