Ukraine must wait for German tanks for the time being – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

No new decision has been made regarding the tanks, the German defense minister said, but pointed to a new NATO meeting in three weeks. Countries that want to send German tanks to Ukraine need an approval from Germany to do so. – Russia has continued its brutal war of aggression against Ukraine. At the same time, it is important that NATO does not become part of this war, said Boris Pistorius. Germany will make a decision soon He recalled the help Germany has already given to Ukraine. At a value of over 3 billion Euro, he pointed out. Pistorius also added that Germany will make a final decision quickly, and that the Germans can act quickly if it is decided that the Leopard tank can be sent to Ukraine. He made it clear that so-called Leopard partner countries can start providing training in the use of the tank. – German leadership is more important than ever, said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. He said there are no signs that the Russian president has changed his goal of taking control of Ukraine. Stoltenberg said that it is now important that the Ukrainians manage to win over the Russians. – Weapons from Germany save lives in Ukraine every single day, said the Secretary-General. Stoltenberg said it is welcome that several countries have said they will send tanks to Ukraine. He finished by thanking Germany for the contributions they have made so far. Stoltenberg and Pistorious at the press conference. Photo: TOBIAS SCHWARZ / AFP Many countries want to send According to American ABC News, 12 countries will agree to send Leopard 2 tanks if Germany gives permission for it. The German Prime Minister Olaf Scholz has so far refused to agree to other European countries being able to send German-made tanks to Ukraine. While the German manufacturer reports that it can deliver 139 Leopard tanks to Ukraine by the beginning of next year. The Ukrainian government believes that tanks, and especially the Leopard 2 model, are absolutely essential to being able to overcome Russian invasion forces. Has relaxed bans Germany has, among other things, as a result of its aggressive role in the Second World War, been careful not to supply weapons to countries at war. But after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the ban was relaxed. The concern is based, among other things, on the fact that tanks have enough range to carry out attacks against targets on the Russian side of the border. Germany has been under pressure to allow German tanks to be sent to the war zones. But the Germans have also feared that the conflict would spread and turn into a major war between Russia and NATO. Among others, Poland has asked Germany for permission to supply Leopard tanks to Ukraine. It is unclear how long the processing of the application will take.
