Ukraine must mobilize up to 500,000 new soldiers – meets resistance at home – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

In a small apartment in the center of Kyiv, 25-year-old “Serhii” sits with his hoodie tightly pulled over his head. He has agreed to be interviewed, if he can remain anonymous. Speaking loudly that he does not want to go to war is not easy in a country that is crying out for new soldiers. – I am afraid of dying. I also feel fear at the thought of being on the front line. It becomes psychologically very difficult. Serhii hopes for the longest time not to be called up. But he is nervous and excited about how the new year will be. Just before Christmas, the news came that during 2024 Ukraine may need between 450,000 and 500,000 new soldiers. FALLEN: On Maidan Square in the center of Kyiv, fallen soldiers are commemorated with flags and pictures. Now Ukraine will mobilize more young men in the war against Russia. Photo: Frode Fjerdingstad / news Three weeks ago, the Ukrainian government presented a 72-page bill to ensure mobilization. The proposal has led to great debate and strong criticism of President Zelenskyj’s government. So strong that last week it had to withdraw the proposal. Could lose the ticket Critics believe the proposal was against the law and could open the door to corruption. But the government believes that Ukraine must resort to strong measures to ensure that the country is able to defend itself in the war against Russia. In the first proposal, it was advocated that those who refuse should lose the right to drive a car and not be allowed to take out a loan. The proposal also meant that men with certain mild disabilities could be mobilised. – There were several things that were problematic about the proposal. Certain parts could be in conflict with the constitution, says Oleksiy Hontsharenko. He represents European Solidarity, which is one of the largest opposition parties in the Ukrainian National Assembly, the Verkhovna Rada. OPPOSITION: Oleksiy Hontsharenko from the opposition party European Solidarity believes that Zelenskyi’s government has gone too far in its first bill on how the new mobilization should take place. Photo: Frode Fjerdingstad / news Although the proposal has been sent back to the government, major changes are underway. Defense Minister Rustem Umerov says that they will soon present a new proposal and that it is urgent to reach the goal. Among other things, there is broad agreement that the age for being called up will be lowered from 27 to 25 years. Until now, men under 27 have been able to volunteer for service, but not be mobilized against their will. This means that it may soon be 25-year-old Serhii’s turn. – Does it make me uneasy? Yes of course. This is something that worries everyone, he says. Exhausted soldiers over 40 Ukraine not only needs more, but also younger soldiers. Today, the average age at the front is over 40, according to the British Defense Secretary. Many soldiers who volunteered after the invasion on 24 February 2022 are exhausted. A demand from many Ukrainians has been that those who can’t take it anymore must be given the chance to graduate. It can now become a reality. RECRUITMENT: Posters in downtown Kyiv urge people to enlist. Photo: Frode Fjerdingstad / news – Today it is the case that those who have been mobilized do not know when they can come home. They are soldiers indefinitely. Many have been fighting for almost two years and are exhausted. They must be relieved. It is also right for their families, says Hontsharenko. Hontsharenko believes 18 months is enough, while the government proposes 36. Fleeing the country Today, Ukraine has around 850,000 soldiers. Last autumn, American sources estimated that 70,000 had been killed and 120,000 injured since the invasion almost two years ago. At the same time, many thousands of men who do not want to fight have fled the country or obtained exemptions by paying corrupt recruiting officers. While politicians are now trying to rally around stricter measures to ensure Ukraine has enough soldiers, Serhii is clinging to the hope that he will not be called up. – I understand that in a war you have to make difficult choices. If it becomes necessary for my country that I go to war, I have no other option.
