Ukraine has attacked at Kherson – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– Unfortunately, this is a fact. That’s what the Russian military blogger Roman Saponkov wrote on his Telegram account on October 18. He pointed to the information that had been circulating for a few hours on various channels: Ukrainian marine infantrymen had crossed the Dnipro River north of the city of Kherson. In a larger attack, according to Saponkov, they should have made it all the way to the village of Pojma and Pistsjanivka. Saponkov is one of the Russian military bloggers who most closely follows what is happening on this front and who is known to have good connections with the troops out in the field. Dnipro River at Nova Kakhovka. The dam here was blown up on 6 June this year. Photo: Reuters Equipment from Germany According to Russian sources, the Ukrainian forces have now also received equipment from Germany which makes it possible to transport equipment across the river. On Thursday, the Ukrainian defense also indirectly confirms that something is happening on the south-eastern bank of the Dnipro. In their daily update on the war, they wrote that the Russian forces have attacked positions precisely in the area in which the Ukrainian marines are supposed to be. The Ukrainian Telegram channel Dvishch has also published a map which, according to them, should show that the Ukrainian forces have for the first time penetrated several kilometers into Russian-occupied territory. This map is supposed to show the area on the south-east side of the Dnipro River that Ukrainian forces are said to have now taken control of. Photo: Telegram channel Dvishch It is not the first time that the Ukrainian forces have crossed the Dnipro and landed in the areas that Russia took control of. Ukraine has long controlled an area where the bridge at Antonivka crosses the river. But what is happening now may look like a more extensive operation, which the Russian military blogger Roman Saponkov also emphasizes. The fighting for Avdijivka continues At the same time, it appears that the Russian forces have not given up trying to take control of the strategically important town of Avdijivka further east. On Thursday, the head of the military administration in Avdiivka, Vitaly Barabash, says according to Donbassreallii, that the Russian forces have bombarded the city all night and that a new attack is therefore expected. There are still around 1,600 civilians left in Avdiivka. Photo: Reuters According to Barabash, the attacks have made it impossible to get humanitarian aid to the around 1,600 civilians still left in Avdiivka. But he says that for now they have enough food and water in the city to supply the civilian population.
