Uefa stops Kylian Mbappé from using this – European Football Championship 2024

– It can certainly have a negative effect, says expert Mats Nikko van der Weel to news. He is a doctoral candidate and has researched peripheral vision in football. On Thursday, the 25-year-old trained with the rest of the national team wearing a mask in the colors of France. The pictures of the Real Madrid star went around the world. MASKORAMA: Kylian Mbappé has broken his nose. Thus, he must cover his face on the pitch. Photo: AFP Part of the reason for the massive attention is that the player himself encouraged the football fans to give suggestions on which mask he should wear after the broken nose. It has now been confirmed that Uefa’s regulations put an end to the superhero-like mask the 25-year-old used in training. Uefa’s equipment regulations state that medical equipment, which includes face masks, “used in matches must be plain and without team and manufacturer identification”. Uefa confirms to news that they have been informed that Mbabé will play in a plain black mask, if he is ready to play on Friday night. Follow the Netherlands – France here from 21. – Uncomfortable The same as the mask looks, it is hardly an advantage to play with it, let’s believe Mats Nikko van der Weel. – Such a mask can reduce side vision a little, and that is enough to play worse, says van der Weel. – How much can it affect? – At a high level, small details can affect a lot. And it’s not just reduced lateral vision, it’s disgusting to play with such a mask, he replies. BROKEN: Only Pinocchio has a more pronounced nose. Photo: AP Weel’s research also shows that players with a mask move their head less, and thus lose perspective. Starting player looks forward to throwing away the mask Starting goalkeeper, Jasper Silva Torkildsen, plays with a mask himself. He calls it “different” and “uncomfortable”. – I’m looking forward to not using it anymore. Where I have been used to just using my eyes, I now also have to use my whole head to see, he says. LEI: Torkildsen hopes he can drop the mask after the next game against Raufoss. Photo: Kjetil Samuelsen It is not unusual to see players wearing masks on the football field. During the World Cup in Qatar in 2022, Croatia’s Josko Gvardiol used a black and neutral mask. Mats Nikko van der Weel also believes that the masks affect the players psychologically. – It’s very painful to break your nose, and you can get a little anxious playing with it. There is war out in the field. If you are a little careful, it can have psychological effects, he says. RULE RIDER: Although it was certainly tempting to wear a red and white mask, Guardiol stuck to a black mask. Photo: BERNADETT SZABO / Reuters France’s big star broke his nose in the opening match against Austria earlier in the week, and it is still uncertain whether Kylian Mbappé will be seen in tonight’s match against the Netherlands. L’Équipe reports on Monday morning that Mbappé will not be in France’s starting line-up against the Netherlands on Friday night. In the Netherlands, they believe that this could be a diversionary maneuver. Or that “the whole circus around Kylian Mbappé has been one big masquerade” as De Telegraaf reports. Published 21.06.2024, at 19.28 Updated 21.06.2024, at 19.43
