Udir opens up for more people to have their exams canceled – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

– We still don’t have a full overview, says Morten Rosenkvist. He is director of the Directorate of Education (Udir), and responsible for conducting examinations in the secondary school. On Tuesday morning, the directorate says that the system is up and running again. Upcoming exams will go as planned. Director of Education Morten Rosenkvist and Hans Sebastian Bay-Wold, incoming deputy head of the Student Organization, discuss the problem during the final exam yesterday. Photo: Amanda Iversen Orlich / news Udir is still considering whether more people should have Monday’s exam cancelled. This means that the grade will not be visible on the diploma. – If people have had too little time, it is possible to make local adjustments. For example, if at school there have been challenges on top of the login problem, says Rosenkvist. According to the director, Udir will spend two or three days getting a clear picture of how yesterday’s trouble has played out at the schools. It will then be assessed whether certain schools will have their exams cancelled. – At the same time, I am very concerned about not creating uncertainty for the students. Many students have completed an exam they are satisfied with and without challenges, says Rosenkvist. The error which led to login problems for 48,000 pupils on Monday has been thoroughly repaired. He has now been found, corrected and retested, according to the director of education. Critical to the implementation Incoming deputy head of the Student Organization, Hans Sebastian Bay-Wold, has little left over for the problem of Monday. He points out that the secondary students have no previous experience with exams. – This was an extra moment of stress during a new experience, and many do not get to show what they can do. Then we hear that the schools have added different amounts of extra time, says Bay-Wold. Incoming deputy head of the Student Organization, Hans Sebastian Bay-Wold, reminds that the students also have no previous exam experience. Photo: Amanda Iversen Orlich / news He thinks it might be a good idea to cancel the exam for some. – Where we stand now, I think it is the right move. But we prefer that it is up to each individual student whether they want him to cancel or retake the exam, says Bay-Wold. In Møre and Romsdal, the entire exam was cancelled, after the county council had a problem with the internet on top of logging in to the central system. Student Jenny Bjerkvik at Ålesund upper secondary school tells about a challenging exam situation. – After three hours the assignment comes, but by then we are already very tired. It was a bad start, so to speak, she says. The Minister of Education demands answers The exam was mainly a stressful experience for the students who passed on yesterday. Login problems meant that for many it took an hour before the test started. Minister of Education Tonje Brenna (Ap) spoke out during the day and demanded answers from Udir. After the problem on Monday, Udir found the error, which has now been fixed. Upcoming exams must be carried out, they stated in a press release. – In retrospect, you can see that it would have been better to have a backup of the backup, says Rosenkvist.
