UAS Norway believes the time is ripe for fully digital fireworks and drones on New Year’s Eve – news Nordland

The fireworks industry predicts record sales. – Despite high inflation and sky-high electricity prices, Norwegians will treat themselves to fireworks in 2022 as well. Based on advance sales from over 1,500 retailers, 2022 will be a new record year for the fireworks industry, writes the Norwegian Fireworks Association in a press release. But a large majority want to replace the New Year’s rockets with a drone show, according to Nito – Norway’s engineering and technologist organization. In a survey that the organization has carried out, 65 per cent respond that they completely or somewhat agree that it is right to ban private fireworks on New Year’s Eve, while 69 per cent will ban private launches if the municipality organizes public fireworks. General manager of UAS Norway Anders Martinsen believes the time is ripe for digital fireworks. Photo: Hans Erik Weiby / news 67 percent believe municipal drone fireworks or laser shows are a better alternative than regular fireworks. – Every year people are injured by fireworks, and small and large fires occur. This happens even though people have become better at wearing protective glasses, and that it is forbidden to launch rockets with joysticks, says municipal engineer and vice-president Kjetil Lein in Nito. The drone organization UAS Norway says they have become more involved in Norway in setting up digital fireworks, or so-called light shows with drones. – We have seen that in several European countries, throughout the year that has been now, there has been a greater focus on this, says managing director Anders Martinsen. Believes that the public must demand alternatives Martinsen believes that much is in place. – We have all the prerequisites to succeed in this. The technology is there, the rules are there, and everything you can achieve from design is there, he says. Nevertheless, he believes that the increasing use of drones for war and intelligence purposes has made actors sit on the fence about starting up this type of business. – The security political landscape has meant that several of the actors who would normally use and initiate “drone fireworks” are probably more reserved and would say that the time has not come. The Dutch company Dronestories is one of several international players with larger productions of drone shows worldwide. Photo: DRONE STORIES Martinsen believes that the public must demand alternatives to traditional fireworks to a greater extent. Today, it is difficult to find Norwegian players who offer larger drone productions with a view to light shows. – The public actors must dare to take an environmental stand and say that now our time has come to take an environmental action within fireworks on New Year’s Eve. One that is safer and which in the long run is better for living things, both two and four-legged. – But are the batteries for large drone-based light shows that environmentally friendly? – When you look at the lifespan and reuse, I think drones come out very advantageous. A drone show is something that is used over time, it’s not just once. He also believes that an investment in a drone-based light show will be beneficial beyond the one night a year. – Then I would also like to encourage everyone in the event industry. This is part of the entertainment industry and is something that could have been part of the portfolio they themselves offer. Russians took pictures of beautiful mountains and were imprisoned – now they are released Fireworks industry: – A supplement Rikard Spets is spokesperson for the Norwegian Fireworks Association (NFF), the trade organization for importers of fireworks to Norway. He says they have not noticed that there is more demand for alternatives to traditional fireworks. Traditional fireworks, made up of a mixture of cardboard, clay, saltpeter and coal. Many people have a relationship with New Year’s fireworks. Photo: Christine Fagerbakke / news – No, we don’t have that. If we are to talk about fireworks and the New Year’s tradition in Norway, we have to think about Norway’s geography and composition. Not least who buys fireworks. Around 40 per cent of the population buys fireworks today. Around 70 per cent of families with children buy fireworks. Rikard Spets does not believe that drones will be able to replace traditional fireworks. Photo: Knut Nordhagen He believes it is difficult to imagine how drone shows would replace fireworks across the country. – Norway consists of approximately 1,000 urban areas. If you were to organize a drone show in all these places, I think it would be difficult to implement. Then we haven’t even talked about the one million Norwegians who don’t even live in a conurbation. He thinks it can be a supplement, but then perhaps only in the very largest cities. – It can probably be a nice supplement in some places, but it can never replace fireworks. I have no faith in that. Appeal against fireworks Appeal against fireworks More than 20 organizations and professionals are now calling on the government to introduce a ban on fireworks for private individuals for the sake of both people, animals and the environment, says Animal Protection Norway. The Association of the Blind, the Veterinærforeningen and Noah are among those who stand together on the petition. The organizations are also asking people to sign a petition for a ban. Communications advisor Anne Livø Buvik in the Norwegian Kennel Club agrees with the petition. – The Norwegian Kennel Club is strongly opposed to private fireworks. This results in large Communications advisor Anne Livø Buvik believes fully digital fireworks can be a good alternative. Photo: Private problems, not least for dogs and cats. We have had a call where we want a ban on private fireworks, she says. Buvik believes that the vast majority of people who deal with animals support the petition. – Otherwise, many are a bit quiet and don’t say much, perhaps because they understand that there are strong reasons to ban it. You will be sad when it is now written that there are record sales of fireworks. You feel a little sick. – More people could consider opting out of traditional fireworks in favor of light shows, what do you think about that? – That sounds like a much better idea overall. Then people can get entertainment and something nice to watch on New Year’s Eve without us having to scare both animals and people.
