Two women found dead in Kragerø – lung disease may have been the cause – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The police confirm that the two women who were found dead in Kragerø on Boxing Day had lung disease. This is what the Sør-Öst police district writes in a press release. – No certain cause of death has been proven, but lung disease has been found in both of the deceased which may be of importance, says police attorney Ingrid Wiik. – Unresolved questions The preliminary autopsy report does not specify what type of lung disease has been found. – There are many unsolved questions in this case, says Wiik. One of these is linked to the time of death. It was Elin Sofie Løvåsen (28) and her mother Tone Løvåsen (61), who were found dead on 26 December. According to Wiik, findings indicate that they died two days apart. Tone on 23 December and Elin Sofie on 25 December. – We hope that the further investigation will give us an explanation for this, she says. INVESTIGATIONS: The police are still investigating the deaths of a mother and a daughter who were found in a home in Kragerø during Christmas. Photo: Philip Hofgaard / news Had an ambulance visit Five days before they were found, paramedics should have visited them. Family members of the deceased have criticized the ambulance service for not taking the relatives to hospital. The manager of the ambulance service in Telemark has said that he sympathizes with the family, but believes that a thorough assessment was made when the ambulance was on the scene. – Affects society Mayor Grunde Wegar Knudsen (Sp) told news on Tuesday that the incident affects people in Kragerø municipality, and especially residents in the area where the women were found. – There has been a lot of speculation. I am very pleased that we have received a preliminary autopsy report. Then we have some answers. Mayor Grunde Wegar Knudsen says that the municipality’s crisis team is on standby. Photo: Sindre Thoresen Lønnes / news Knudsen has learned that the women were in contact with health personnel five days before they were found dead. – It hurts to hear, but now we have to let the police work on and investigate what actually happened.
