Two police officers have the status of suspect after death in Ålesund – Latest news – news

31 January 2023 at 10:59 VG: Two police officers are under suspicion after a death in Ålesund Two police officers under suspicion after a death in Ålesund On Saturday, the police were dispatched to a report of a bloody man on the road in the center of Ålesund. The police then felt compelled to use physical force to gain control of the person. Life-saving first aid was then attempted on the person, before he was transported to and declared dead at Ålesund Hospital. The Special Unit for Police Affairs is now investigating the police’s role in the case. – As of now, there is no evidence to charge anyone in the case. At the moment there are two police officers who will be questioned with the status of suspect, says the head of the prosecution in the special unit, Thomas Arntsen, to VG. He says that the two suspect officers are the two civilian police officers who were at the scene when the incident took place
