Two people have been charged after the speedboat Tyrhaug collided with the work boat Frøy Loke – news Møre og Romsdal – Local news, TV and radio

It was on 28 June 2023 that the speedboat Tyrhaug collided with the service vessel Frøy Loke. This happened just outside Ringholmen in Aure municipality in Nordmøre. The express boat usually runs between Kristiansund and Trondheim. The driver of the speedboat has previously been charged with a breach of Penal Code 356, for recklessly creating a danger to people. The public prosecutor in Møre og Romsdal has now brought charges against two people in connection with the case. The two are accused of negligently causing marine damage, which could easily lead to loss of life. – The collision occurred because the bridge at Tyrhaug was not manned in accordance with the current procedure, and because the bridge guard at Tyrhaug was not sufficiently observant of other traffic, the indictment states. When the accident happened, there was only one navigator on the bridge, a report from the National Accident Investigation Board previously pointed out. The support navigator must then have stayed in the room behind the bridge and not perceive the danger of collision. – If there had been two navigators present on the bridge, this would have increased the chance of observing Frøy Loki, the Accident Investigation Board wrote. More to hospital There were 31 passengers and a crew of five on board the speedboat. There were four people in the work boat. Both boats suffered hull damage in the accident. Several people were sent to hospital after the accident. Among them were two of the employees on board the speedboat. One of these must have been seriously injured. In addition, two of the passengers were injured. One of those on board the workboat Frøy Loke was also injured in the incident. The other three were physically unharmed from the collision. The case will be heard in Møre and Romsdal district court in January. Four days have been set aside for the case. Deviations in routine and practice led to the collision. In February, the National Accident Investigation Board issued its report on the accident. According to the report, the crew of the service boat did not perceive it as abnormal that the speedboat was coming directly towards them, as this was normal, and they were obliged to give way. The crew of the service vessel then maintained the same speed and course. The navigator on the speedboat was focused on a passing sailboat and the support navigator was in another room behind the bridge. None of them should have perceived the danger of collision. The Accident Investigation Board writes that the perception of risks in routine work tasks is something that can be normalized and overlooked over time, and that this was one of several factors that explain why there was a difference in the routines and how the work tasks were actually carried out on board. The Accident Investigation Board concludes the report with an admonition that discrepancies may arise between described procedures and implementation in practice, and that it is important to have a common understanding of the risks and work tasks on board. Published 12.09.2024, at 13.07 Updated 12.09.2024, at 13.40
