Two people arrested after armed police action in Klæbu – news Trøndelag

A third person is suspected. – We have control over a third person, but this person has not been arrested. He is now being brought in, says operations manager at the police in Trøndelag, Christopher White. The three must belong to a criminal drug milieu, according to the police’s task leader, Ketil Stene. The police report that they have control and that no one was injured. The police said just after 3pm that they have arrested the person who made the threats. It was at 1315 on Saturday afternoon that the police received the first report from a resident in a housing estate that a person was in the process of breaking into his house. The message was that at least one armed person was in the process of entering. – This meant that we took action on the spot and were able to bring the person in question to safety. He is now being questioned. Based on information in the case, we have campaigned at another address in Klæbu, says Stene. Armed police were present with a large manpower and urged people to stay away. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / news Asked people to lock the door The police moved out with armed forces. – We have no control over the perpetrator. We encourage people to stay away from the area we work in. It is very visible where we are, operations manager Øystein Sagen told news shortly after the incident was reported. Police also asked people to stay indoors. – We ask that people do not walk around and wander up in the area and that they stay indoors and lock the door, operations manager Sagen told news. The police were there with several patrols. Both the police and people from the healthcare system were present in Klæbu. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / news Now they are thanking the people in the area. “We are now working on an investigation. Thank you to the public who have been patient and stayed inside,” the police write on Twitter. Unsure if person was armed The police launched the extensive operation after they did not know if the person they were looking for was armed. – The person may pose a threat to the police. We don’t know if he is dangerous to people. That is why we encourage people to stay indoors and lock the door until we get control, the police previously told news. Two people have now been arrested, including in an apartment in Klæbu. Photo: Bjarte Johannesen / news – Is the man armed? – It can be. It is too early to say yet, Sagen told news. No firearm found news is on the scene and it was previously investigated whether a man was in a caravan. This was checked out of the case. Now the task leader confirms that two people have been arrested. They must be Norwegian and no firearms must have been found at the scene. The police were on site in Klæbu with several patrols. Photo: Anders H. Bjørgan – What made you take the threat so seriously? – It is the information from the caller, who says that there are armed people standing outside who are trying to get in. It is what makes us have the strength we have in Klæbu center here today, says Stene. The task leader says it may appear to be a settlement in a strained environment. A search is underway at various addresses. – Now a good deal of investigative work remains to find the details of what happened. The Krimvakta will follow up further investigation, says operations manager White. The police campaigned in eastern parts of Klæbu after a man made serious threats.
