Two of the accused are linked to the Foxtrot conflict – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

It was on the night of 24 October last year that a homemade bomb went off in a quiet neighborhood in Drøbak. The police believed early on that the case could have ramifications to foreign criminals, but for a long time there were no suspects. Last week, four people were charged in the case – a Norwegian and three Swedes. One of the Swedes is a woman. Norwegian police have charged them with attempted murder, or complicity in this. The Norwegian was released from custody last week. According to news’s ​​information, at least two of the Swedish accused in the Drøbak case can also be linked to the conflict in the Foxtrot network. Arson on order The violent gang conflict has rocked Sweden recently. At the end of January this year, the two Swedish men stood trial for attempted arson, together with two others. The attempted murder must have been a commissioned work. Police attorney Grete Bollestad says that they are investigating the case broadly. She does not want to confirm news’s ​​information. – Whether they are connected to a network, and possibly which, will be something our investigation will shed light on. We also have to see if it has anything to do with our case, says Bollestad. Police attorney Grete Bollestad. Photo: Mariam Eltervåg Cissé / news Police attorney Grete Bollestad. Photo: Mariam Eltervåg Cissé / news Extradition to Norway Two of the accused Swedes, a woman and a man, will be produced for remand tomorrow, Bollestad says. The last man is still in custody in Sweden. The police are now working to clarify what roles the persons are said to have played in the bomb attack. – On the basis of the overall investigation that has been carried out, we believe that we can link them to the case in Drøbak, says Bollestad. As the police see it, it is more likely than not that they are involved. Central person in gang conflict The two men charged in the case are in their late teens. Both have previously been convicted in Sweden. According to Swedish police documents news has gained access to, the arson attempt was aimed at a central person in the Swedish gang conflict. On 27 September, a police patrol was sent to an address in Uppländs Väsby, outside Stockholm. A taxi driver had driven two men to an address in a residential area. On the way, they had stopped to buy lighters and petrol, he explained. The driver suspected that something criminal was about to happen, and called the police. Shortly before the patrol arrived, it rang again. There was thick black smoke in the hallway of the block. There was a fire outside one of the doors. The residents put out the fire themselves before the emergency services arrived. Only the front door was damaged. Swedish police believe the two men who have now been charged in Norway were involved in the fire because they bought lighters and petrol. This petrol can was found in the stairwell. Photo: Swedish police They must have passed this on to the other two involved in the case. “Benzema” The police in Sweden link the incident to the internal war in the notorious Swedish Foxtrot network. The gang war in the Stockholm area has claimed the lives of both gang members and their families. In the witness interview, one of the residents said that he did not think that those who set fire to the front door were looking for him. Rather, another one who was registered at the same address, namely the brother of the well-known Foxtrot figure Mustafa “Benzema” Alijburi. An explosive charge has previously been found at his old address north of Stockholm. Several people in his vicinity have also been exposed to targeted explosions, Swedish police believe. Alijburi was formerly one of the tops in the Foxtrot network, but is said to have distanced himself from the leader Rawa Majid. According to SVT, “Benzema” should have started his own network which he led from Iraq. In January this year, he was shot dead in Baghdad. A Swedish man in his 20s was arrested in Iraq, suspected of the murder. The man has previously been convicted of serious weapons offenses and several drug offenses in Sweden. On 28 November, a Swedish citizen was shot in the open street in Moss. The man in his 30s is still in hospital with serious injuries. According to news’s ​​information, this shooting is also linked to the Foxtrot network. Tip news’s ​​crime group: Do you have information about this case or other crime cases? Contact news’s ​​crime group. You can tip us off by e-mail or through news’s ​​encrypted notification service. Here you can tip us anonymously. We also treat all tips confidentially, in line with the Vær varsom poster’s rules on source protection.
