Two men sentenced to prison for serious money laundering of over NOK 30 million – Latest news – news

20 February 2024 at 14:40 Two men sentenced to prison for gross money laundering of over NOK 30 million Oslo police district writes in a press release that two men have been sentenced for gross money laundering of over NOK 30 million. A man in his 40s has been sentenced to an unconditional prison term of 5 years and 3 months for serious money laundering of NOK 38 million. Another man in his 20s has been sentenced to prison for 4 years and 4 months for serious money laundering of approximately NOK 35 million. – Both have been convicted of having carried out the money laundering as a participant in an organized criminal group, the police write. A third person has been sentenced to prison for 1 year and 3 months for gross embezzlement of NOK 5 million. – The investigation has uncovered an international money-laundering network that collects cash from the proceeds of criminal acts and takes them out of the country, the police write. The convicts have also been sentenced to confiscation of approximately NOK 15 million, which was seized. The judgment is not final. It is currently unknown whether the convicted will appeal the case.
