Two indicted for gross fraud against the ministry – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

Two men have been charged with serious fraud against the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOF) and the Ministry of Climate and Environment (KLD). This is what Økokrim wrote in a press release on Wednesday. The two defendants are said to have been guilty of fraud of over NOK 47 million. The one man pleads not guilty, says his defender. Gross fraud – There are two gross frauds that have taken place over a long period from 2016 to 2021. They have partly run in parallel. We believe this is continuous and long-term fraud. This is what the prosecution officer in Økokrim, Henrik Horn, told news. In the indictment, it is stated that the fraud is serious because it has resulted in significant financial damage, has been done on several occasions and over a long period of time, it has been carried out by several people jointly and has a systematic character, and incorrect accounting documentation has been prepared. Henrik Horn is a state prosecutor and head of prosecution in Økokrim. Photo: Johannes Albert Slettedal / news According to Økokrim, the men ran an association together, and received grants from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Climate and Environment to prepare reports. The subsidy of over NOK 55 million was received in the period 2016 to 2021, and was taken from the aid budget. Both of the accused men were employees of this association while they committed the fraud. The two men have been together about the fraud they are accused of, believes Økokrim. Purchased cars and holiday trips In the investigation, it has been revealed that many millions of the grant funds were not used, even though the association informed the ministries that the money had been used. That’s what Økokrim says in the press release. – Much of the funds were unused and sitting in the account. It involved many millions, says Horn. It was only in 2021 that the ministries received information from the association’s auditor that a large part of the grant money had not been used, according to Økokrim. The fact that the money was unused must have been kept hidden from the ministries. In addition, several million of the grant money was used to cover private expenses that the two men had. – This applies to cabin purchases, car purchases, and what we mean are holiday trips to exotic destinations, Horn explains. The indictment also states that parts of the funds were used for hotel stays, clothing, knives and weapons. Denies criminal liability Fredrik Berg, who is defending one of the defendants, says in a comment to news that the client rejects the charges of fraud. – My client claims that both UD and KLD have ordered and delivered extensive work of high quality. These programs were operationally oriented and were carried out in close cooperation with the UN and Interpol. Against this background, the accusations that the ministry had been deceived are wrong. We will argue and prove this in court and therefore have no further comments today. According to Økokrim, the two defendants are two well-grown men. One man is from the North, and the other is from the East. They worked in the same association when the fraud was committed. Horn in Økokrim states that they stand slightly differently on the matter. – There are several relationships for the main man, while the other has played a more withdrawn role, he says. One is charged with two counts of aggravated fraud, attempted aggravated fraud, money laundering and document forgery. The second man is charged with complicity in the two gross frauds for which the first person is charged. In court in May It is KLD and UD that have reported the two men to the police. Økokrim states that they first became aware of the case when it was reported to the police. The fraud case will go to court in May. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB According to Henrik Horn in Økokrim, the case will start in the Oslo district court in May. The duration is five weeks. In a press release, the ministries state that they are satisfied with the indictment. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs says they will also demand compensation from the defendants. news has not been successful in getting a comment from the defense attorney for the other man who has been charged.
