Two critically injured in accident on E39 in Heim municipality – Latest news – news

15 December 2023 at 23:12 Two critically injured in accident on E39 in Heim municipality Two people were critically injured in a head-on accident in Valsøyfjorden in Trøndelag. One of them was taken away by rescue helicopter and the other by air ambulance. The third person was slightly injured. In addition, a dog is said to have been injured. It is taken care of by a veterinarian. – Ulukka is being referred to as serious, says Viola Elverum, head of operations in Trøndelag police district to news. Ulukka happened around one kilometer east of the bridge to Valsøya. The police reported the accident at 22.25. The E39 was opened to traffic after the accident on Saturday morning, the Norwegian Road Administration informs at 06:00.
