Two children have fallen out of a ski lift in Hemsedal – news Buskerud – Local news, TV and radio

Skistar CEO Andreas Smith-Erichsen confirms to news that two minor children have fallen out of a ski lift called Lodge Express. – We have reported the case to the police, the Accident Investigation Board for cable cars and the Norwegian Railway Inspectorate. This is routine in such cases, says Smith-Erichsen. Skistar CEO Andreas Smith-Erichsen. Photo: Skistar It was Hallingdølen that first mentioned the accident. He does not want to speculate on how the accident happened, and refers to the police who must comment on the details of the incident. Unknown degree of damage At 10.38 the police inform that they have arrived at the ski resort. – We currently do not know anything more about the extent of the damage or the extent of the incident, says operations manager Trond-Egil Groth. He says that the police received a report about the accident at 10.04am. – We do not know the extent of damage. The patrol is talking to witnesses now and investigating the scene, says Groth. Department director in the National Accident Investigation Board, Ida Grøndahl, confirms to news that they have been notified of the accident. Ida Grøndahl in the National Accident Investigation Board. The picture was taken on an earlier occasion. Photo: Anne kari Løberg / news – It is still a bit early to say anything about this now. It may be relevant to travel out eventually, it is a matter of assessment. We currently have very little information about the incident. We are in a phase where we are surveying what has happened now.
