Tvorchi sings about peace and unity in Ukrainian ESC contribution – news Culture and entertainment

From war in Kyiv they bring a message of peace. The duo Tvorchi, who will represent Ukraine in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest. news meets them and sees a twinkle in their eyes and a smile on their face, but the voices also convey reflection and seriousness. The duo say that they use the music and the attention they get to help in their war-torn homeland. – We take everything we feel and try to transform it into action. So that we can help both soldiers and civilians, says band member Andrij Hutsuljak. Vocalist Jeffery Kenny (whose real name is Jimoh Augustus Kehinde) is also concerned about this. – We do what we do best, to create musical experiences. We perform in military camps around the country, and raise money via charity concerts. Hearts of steel – We greatly appreciate all the help we get. Because it really means a lot. We stand together, it makes us feel stronger. I feel a lot of love in my heart, says Andrij Hutsuljak. news met the duo when they visited Norway earlier this year. PASSED FRIEND: Andrij Hutsuljak has experienced losing someone you love because of the war. But he admires the enthusiasm in his home country. Their Eurovision song is called “Heart of Steel”. And their hearts beat for Ukraine and for a better future. – The song is about all Ukrainians who have been given hearts of steel, who have stood together for the past year. We want the world to be inspired by us. We must stand together against evil, so we can win and there will be peace. Singing with the flag on his chest, Tvorchi won the national MGP final, which was held in a bomb-proof metro station. The participation was a special project, and a different experience. SINGER: Ukrainian-Nigerian Jeffery Kenny is the vocalist of the group. He says he will smile continuously for months if there is a victory in Eurovision. Photo: Stig Jaarvik / news – Usually you have set rehearsal times, planned costume tests and other preparations. But the flight alarm went off several times, and you had to be under cover for five hours straight. Much had to be done after midnight. These are very special times, says Hutsuljak The duo feel honored to be able to represent their home country in the world’s biggest music competition. – It is really big. And a really big responsibility. We will assume this responsibility and give 500 percent. And we represent the whole country, we sing with the flag on our chest, says Jeffery Kenny. Watch Tvorchi’s performance in the national final here: Most important to win the war Ukraine won last year’s Eurovision Song Contest, but due to the situation in the country, the final will be held in Great Britain, specifically Liverpool. Tvorchi is in the top 3 on the bookmakers’ lists, and dreams of repeating last year’s victory for the war-torn country. – If we had won, I would have walked around and smiled continuously for several months, says Jeffery Kenny. But he adds: – If we don’t win, we hope that people will take our message to heart. And it is more important for us to win on the battlefield, to win the war. Friends on the battlefield Several people they know are heavily involved in the war, and they receive diligent reports from fellow soldiers. – One of my best friends is on the battlefield, he sends videos and tells stories from the front. It makes an impression. But it is good to hear that he is in good spirits. They have also lost several people they know, in what they refer to as a senseless war. – Someone I studied with at university worked as a doctor in a hospital, and died after a missile attack on the hospital. There are many sad stories. STYLE: Jeffery Kenny and Andrij Hutsuljak appear to be inspired by the movie Men in Black as they pose for the camera. But underneath the facade, they are two reflective musicians. Photo: Stig Jaarvik / news Music as a weapon The immediate family and friends are still safe. But they are also aware of a great deal of uncertainty. The picture of war is unpredictable. – It was impossible to predict that something like that could happen there in the 21st century. You never know when those you love may be attacked. At the beginning of May, the journey goes west and peace again, to the Beatles’ city of Liverpool. They look forward to being Ukraine’s ambassadors in one of the historic capitals of pop music. Tvorchi hopes to write his own chapter in music history – but no matter what happens in Liverpool, the artists will continue to use music as a weapon, until freedom is won. – We promise to do everything, right up until we win. We will never stop. Read more stories about Melodi Grand Prix here
