TV 2’s news editor will not make Bhatti decisions – Latest news – news

July 6, 2022 at 16:43 TV 2’s news editor will not make Bhatti decisions News editor in TV 2 Karianne Solbrække will not make editorial decisions in cases related to Arfan Bhatti. This is clear after she herself asked for it. – I have told editor-in-chief Olav T. Sandnes that I will not be the one to make editorial decisions in cases where Bhatti is involved. And he agrees with that. I have asked for this out of consideration for TV 2, because questions are now being asked about our independence, Solbrække says in a press release. The background is that Solbrække and Bhatti had a relationship 16 years ago. Several have questioned her impartiality recently, since the convicted Islamist Bhatti is said to have had contact with the terror suspect Zaniar Matapour, who was behind the shooting in Oslo on the night of 25 June. Sandnes in TV 2 says that he still has confidence in Solbrække. – I have had no reason to doubt her assessments. On the contrary. I think TV 2’s coverage shows just that, he says to his own channel. (news / NTB)
