Tuva Fagermoen was surprised when she joined the Armed Forces – news Troms and Finnmark

– It has not occurred to me that we are to be trained to become warriors. I hadn’t managed to kill anyone. Tuva Fagermoen is in the news series Klar til strid, which will be released on 2 January. Here, a group of young people are followed throughout the first service at Setermoen camp in Troms. Here they are prepared to defend the country if they have to. Although not everyone is prepared for exactly that at the start. Everything is new, and the first days for the recruits are overwhelming. They must enjoy their free time in the room, because soon the gas arc awaits. Tuva Fagermoen thinks that the military is weapons, drills, a lot of physical training. But she finds it unpleasant that she and her fellow soldiers have to practice and be trained to kill. – I might feel a little lonely in thinking that I don’t want to go to war. I think it is difficult. There are feelings and a soul involved. My conscience must tolerate me learning these things, she says in the episode. Tuva Fagermoen had to think through whether she would be able to be in the primary service for the first time. Photo: news The war became more real The soldiers who follow entered the Armed Forces in the autumn of 2021. Only half a year into their initial service, actually contributing to war became a much greater reality, when Russia went to war against Ukraine. – There were many questions and a lot of uncertainty. I was hoping we were told it was none of our business, but we were told to take training more seriously. It was really disgusting, says Fagermoen. – I was a little scared, but I’m quite anxious as a person. It was a strange and disgusting period before it became known that we were not going to the war. Tuva Fagermoen puts on camouflage makeup. Photo: news Forsvarer Norge During his initial service, Fagermoen changed his point of view on war. – Throughout the year we get used to the idea, that is our only focus. And then there is another thing we have learned, she says today: – In a war, someone attacks us and is looking for us. I had to get used to thinking that. When we have to defend ourselves and those we are happy with, it is a completely different situation. Fagermoen is one of the young people who applied for further service in the Armed Forces after his initial service, but is a civilian today. Thoughtful choice Army Chief Lars Sivert Lervik has previously told news that he believes the series Klar til strife contributes to a realistic image of the Armed Forces, and that it can help new conscripts when they are about to enter their first service. Chief of Defense Eirik Kristoffersen hopes that all young people who are going to serve conscription think twice. – Because in the extreme, they have to defend the country with the use of brutal violence, and in the worst case take their own lives. Or get hurt, and lose your life, says Kristoffersen. Photo: Hans Aage Hansen / news Is prepared for battle Tuva Fagermoen is happy that she lasted the year. – I am very happy to have had the opportunity to be in the Armed Forces. You grow surprisingly much in a year when there are such big ups and downs. And I have never felt that community anywhere else, she says. And she is ready to defend the country if she has to. – Absolutely. There’s a reason it’s a whole year. It is the time you need to get good at things, and process what it means to fight. Now I know exactly what I was supposed to do and what my task had been, because I have trained for it, says Fagermoen.
