Turkey’s foreign minister hopes Sweden will prevent Koran burning – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Turkey is very unhappy that far-right politician Rasmus Paludan has been given permission to hold a demonstration outside Turkey’s embassy. It is expected that he will try to burn a Koran – something he has also done on previous occasions. Photo: FREDRIK PERSSON / AFP According to Paludan, the goal is to “mark some freedom of expression” against Turkey. 500-600 participants are also expected at a separate demonstration in Stockholm to protest against Sweden’s NATO application and show support for the Kurds. The second provocation in a week The visit would have been the first meeting between Sweden and Turkey at ministerial level after last week’s diplomatic crisis. It arose when a doll depicting Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was hung outside Stockholm City Hall. Photo: TWITTER @REALROJKOM / Reuters The incident led to Turkey canceling Riksdag Leader Andreas Norlén’s planned visit to the Turkish National Assembly. – At the present time, Pål Jonson’s visit to Turkey on 27 January has lost its meaning, so we have canceled the visit, says Turkey’s Defense Minister Hulusi Akar. The reason is said to be Rasmus Paludan’s planned protest in Stockholm on Saturday. Photo: Annika Byrde / NTB Jonson was scheduled to visit the Turkish capital next Friday after being invited by Akar. Will continue the dialogue On Twitter, Jonson writes that he spoke with Akar at Friday’s meeting in Germany about military support for Ukraine. – We then came to the conclusion that we will move the meeting in Ankara to a later date, writes Jonson. He emphasizes that the relationship with Turkey is important for Sweden. – We look forward to continuing the dialogue on our common security and defense-related issues at a later date.
