Trygve Toskedal Larsen out towards the organizer after dishing

– I am frustrated that they cannot create trails that are suitable for everyone, he tells news. Toskedal Larsen reacts to the fact that the WC organizer in Östersund has created a steep, hilly and winding route, which he believes favors a certain type of athlete. The 50-year-old himself has a five-kilogram prosthesis on his left leg. He describes it as “dead weight” which makes it extra difficult for him to get up the hill. The Rogalender believes the organizer could have made the trail easier. – It’s only about the will. Or if they simply cannot understand the problem. I don’t know, says Toskedal Larsen. The explanation to the organizer – A WC course must be tough and decisive, says event manager Tommy Jihred to news. He refers to the piste regulations of the International Ski Federation (FIS) and says that the piste route is within what is permitted. Jihred nevertheless understands Toskedal Larsen’s point of view. Each round is almost three kilometers long, where the athletes have to climb 51 meters in height. This was done six times in the 18 kilometer race on Sunday. TØFF LØYPE: This is what the total 18 kilometer race looks like. – It is a very tough course. It is the same length for women and men, and for some athletes it can be difficult, says Jihred. He further refers to the classification system in para sports and says that Toskedal Larsen should be compensated in terms of time for the impairment he has. Was dished: – Can’t accept this After the race it got worse for Toskedal Larsen, who was told by the jury that he was dished. The jury believes that he used skating technique on the uphill slopes. The Norwegian explains that he jumped – not skated – up the hill, and that this is a technique athletes with prostheses have used for years. Toskedal Larsen himself is completely dependent on walking this way to get up the hill. – I can’t run diagonally like the others, so this is the way I tackle steep slopes. I cannot accept this, I am so careful not to slip on my skis, he says. USERS PROSTHESIS: Trygve Toskedal Larsen. Photo: Heiko Junge / NTB Must stake out the future of the sport National team coordinator Ulf Morten Aune visited the jury after the verdict, and was explained that they were sitting on photo and video evidence of the alleged cheating. After conversations with trainers from other nations, Aune was able to confirm what Toskedal Larsen had explained; it is an unwritten rule that athletes with such impairments use such a technique to get up the hill. – We were very surprised by the jury’s decision. Then Trygve will have even worse conditions to assert itself in the future, says Aune. He believes that para sports must think carefully about what the future of the sport will look like, and that they must find a sensible balance between commercializing the sport and including as many people as possible. MUST INCLUDE: National team coordinator Ulf Morten Aune thinks so. Photo: Terje Pedersen / NTB – We have to keep two things in mind at the same time. We must include, not exclude, he says. He states that he has spoken to the jury again, who promises that they will thoroughly study the case and reassess Toskedal Larsen’s money laundering. – No one suspects Trygve. That’s the technique he has to use on the slopes, says Aune. The athletes with prostheses disappear Toskedal Larsen believes that it has become a trend to make harder trails in para-cross-country skiing. He has noticed that fewer and fewer athletes with prostheses are taking part. – A few years ago, we had almost twice as many people at the start. Now there are almost none left. The trails only get harder and harder, he says. In a World Cup race in Finland earlier this season, there were four with prostheses. During the WC opening, the prosthetic runners from the other nations did not appear. Toskedal Larsen reckons that the hard trails are the reason for the absence. The seasoned para-athlete previously competed in luge, but later had prostheses made. Toskedal Larsen does not regret the transition to standing skiing, but asks that the organizers adapt the slopes in future to the needs and disabilities of all athletes. – I hope they can make trails that can suit everyone. It will be fairer and you will get more participants. If you’re only going to have people with healthy bones, there will be few athletes over time, he believes.
