Trump’s challenger Chris Christie withdraws from the election campaign – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Christie announced the decision at an event in New Hampshire on Wednesday. – My goal has never been to simply be a voice against the hatred and division and the selfishness that has characterized our party under Donald Trump, he said. He has said that if there came a point in the election campaign where he could not see a way to achieve this goal, he would quit. – And tonight it is clear to me that there is no possibility of winning the nomination, and that is the reason why I am ending my presidential election campaign tonight, he continues. Only 2 percent Chris Christie wants to make sure that Donald Trump never becomes president of the United States again, saying that this goal is more important than his personal ambitions. Photo: AFP According to a survey carried out by Ipsos for the Reuters news agency, he had the support of only 2 percent of Republican voters nationwide. In the same survey, former President Donald Trump receives a support of 49 percent. Donald Trump is therefore the Republicans’ likely presidential candidate. On Wednesday, Trump refused to answer specifically questions about who will be his vice president. – I can’t actually tell you that. So, I know who it will be, said the former president. Trump commented on the issue at a voter rally broadcast on Fox News from Des Moines, the Iowa state capital. This happened on the same night that the two other major candidates, Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley met for a televised debate from the same city. Rival Trump has not participated in any of the five debates against the other candidates. He was also asked if he was willing to tie up with any of his current rivals in the battle to become the party’s presidential candidate. – Yes, certainly, he answered. Christie’s decision to withdraw from the campaign could help fellow candidates Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis. In the survey, they receive support of 12 and 11 per cent respectively. The 61-year-old former governor stressed on Wednesday that he wants to make sure Donald Trump never becomes US president again, saying that is more important than his personal ambitions. Supported Trump, but distanced himself. Also in 2016, Chris Christie tried to become the Republican presidential candidate. He withdrew after disappointing results in the New Hampshire primary and became the first of the major party figures to endorse Donald Trump’s candidacy. In the 2020 election, he helped Trump prepare for the debates, but distanced himself when Trump made false claims about having won the election. Christie has gradually emerged as the only Republican candidate willing to go into direct conflict with Trump. Nevertheless, he was never considered a candidate with a real possibility of reaching the top. In interviews, Christie has called Trump unfit to be president and said that Trump is morally responsible for the attack on Congress on January 6, 2021. Christie has also predicted that Trump will lose to the Democrats’ Joe Biden – with the ongoing trials against Trump as the reason. Donald Trump wants a second term as US president. Photo: SCOTT MORGAN / Reuters
