Trump was part of a criminal conspiracy – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Former President Donald Trump was involved in the conspiracy to try to change the election results. He did not prevent his supporters from attacking the congressional building. These are the conclusions of the report on the storming of the Congress building on 6 January almost two years ago. Over the course of 18 months, the investigators in the House of Representatives in Congress have interviewed close to 1,200 people, gone through over one million documents and summoned over 100 witnesses for questioning. The comprehensive and detailed investigation report is 814 pages long. Last night it was published in its entirety. Supporters of former US President Donald Trump stormed Congress in Washington on January 6, 2021. The committee that investigated the attack presented its final report on Thursday. Photo: John Minchillo / AP The committee, which has gone through the dramatic attack on America’s democracy on January 6, 2021, concluded on Monday that the former president had a clear responsibility. The committee recommends that the Department of Justice indict and prosecute Donald Trump. Witnesses on the inside The witnesses, among them several of Trump’s closest associates, have given an insight into the ex-president’s behavior in the weeks before 6 January. They have recounted how his allegations of voter fraud directly affected supporters who attacked police and stormed the National Assembly in search of Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Five people died during the storming, while Pence and other elected officials sought refuge a few meters away from the attackers. The attack went on for several hours. Got a clear message The final report on what happened before and during the storming of the congressional building contains long interviews with several people in Trump’s closest circle. Several of them say that they told the president that there had been no extensive electoral fraud. According to the report, Trump heard this, among other things, from advisers Hope Hicks and Kellyanne Conway, and his own Attorney General William Barr. The report’s eight chapters contain largely the same material that has been presented in the committee’s hearings this summer. It comes while Trump is again trying to become president, and at the same time is under investigation in several cases. The committee is clear about its intentions: the United States must not forget what happened on January 6, 2021. the main motivation of the January 6 committee, now that it has presented all its thorough work: Big screen with Trump and Grad Raffensperger from the state of Georgia, when the January 6 committee presented its conclusions on Monday. Photo: JONATHAN ERNST / Reuters – Trump destroyed trust – Voting in the United States is an act based on trust and hope, said committee chairman Bennie Thompson. – Those who lose accept the result and follow the law. Trust in this system is the foundation of America’s democracy. If that trust is broken, our democracy is also broken. Donald Trump destroyed that trust, Thompson said. More than 900 people have been charged with having participated in the storming of the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Now the committee will also hold those responsible accountable. So Donald Trump. Facts about the January 6 committee created on July 1, 2021 to investigate the attack on Congress a committee in the House of Representatives with seven Democrats and two Republicans committee members believe Trump should be charged with inciting riots, for obstructing public proceedings, and for false representation and fraud directed at the US government. over 1,000 witnesses have been interviewed, over a million documents have been reviewed, several of Trump’s associates cooperated, others did not. Trump’s adviser Steve Bannon was sentenced to prison because he refused to explain himself. Advisor Peter Navarro is also charged with not cooperating with Congress. the committee in the House of Representatives does not have the authority to decide that criminal proceedings should be brought, but can send a recommendation to the Ministry of Justice. the committee will probably be disbanded when the new Congress takes office in January 2023. Source: Facts about Donald Trump’s presidency Donald Trump was president of the United States for four years until he lost re-election in 2020 and had to leave the White House. Trump was elected president in November 2016, with Hillary Clinton as the opposite candidate for the Democrats. He won the election with 306 to 232 electoral delegates, but almost 3 million fewer votes than Clinton. Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States in January 2017. During his presidency, he implemented a wide range of controversial measures, including a ban on immigration from Muslim countries, the construction of a wall against Mexico and withdrawal from the Paris Agreement and the World Health Organization. One of his most important victories was to appoint three conservative justices to the Supreme Court. He also appointed a number of other conservative federal judges. He also started a trade war with China, introduced a comprehensive tax reform with tax cuts for everyone, especially the richest, and moved the US Israel embassy to Jerusalem. Special counsel Robert Mueller concluded that his campaign was helped by Russia to win the 2016 election, but did not find sufficient evidence that Trump himself was involved. Trump was impeached in 2020, accused of trying to pressure Ukraine to investigate Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden for corruption. He was acquitted by the Republican majority. Trump is accused of sloppy handling of the corona pandemic, which undermined a relatively good economic development and led to the USA becoming one of the hardest hit countries in the world. Around 400,000 died in 2020. In November, Trump lost the re-election against Biden with 232 to 306 electoral delegates and almost 7 million fewer votes than the opposing candidate. However, he refused to admit defeat, tried hard to have the election overturned, and ended up being impeached again, accused of inciting his followers to storm Congress while the approval of the election was pending. On February 13, Trump was acquitted by 43 Republican senators. Two years later, Trump is still spreading conspiracy theories that he actually won the election. Source: NTB
