Trump supporters win in the US – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Had Jim Marchant been able to decide, he would not have approved President Joe Biden’s victory in 2020. But he is running for election in a system he does not believe in. This week, Marchant won the Republican nomination election in Nevada. He will stand for election to become the state secretary of state. This means responsibility for the electoral system and for approving election results. JR Majewski says he thinks Trump won the election in 2020. Photo: Twitter On January 6 last year, JR Majewski marched against the US Congress along with thousands of angry protesters. He is a war veteran. Republicans. Nor does he believe that Donald Trump lost the presidential election. In May, Majewski won the nomination campaign to run for Ohio in Congress in Washington DC Marchant and Majewski are two of more than 100 Republican politicians rejecting the 2020 election result and now nominated to run in November. It shows a review the newspaper The Washington Post has done. Trump supporters win former President Donald Trump has repeated untruths about the presidential election countless times. Trump says the reason he lost in 2020 was widespread electoral fraud. There is no evidence for that. Joe Biden received 51.2 percent of the vote, while Trump received 46.8. On January 6 last year, thousands of frustrated voters attacked Congress, where the election result was to be approved. They believed then and they now believe in Donald Trump’s claim of a corrupt electoral system. Several people were killed and over 100 policemen injured. At least 865 people are charged with participating in the uprising. On January 6, 2021, thousands of Trump supporters stormed the US Congress in protest against the election result being approved. Photo: OLIVIER DOULIERY / AFP A peaceful takeover of power is the very cornerstone of democracy. That many who say they do not believe in the election result now can gain significant political power, worries many. This could help weaken American democracy, says Ben Berwick, of Protect Democracy. “A significant group in this country has rejected the principle that when we have elections, the losers of the election recognize the winner’s right to govern,” Berwick said. Trouble for Biden So-called midterm elections will be held in the United States in November. There, one third of the Senate and the entire House of Representatives will be re-elected. Today, Democrats have a majority in the House of Representatives and the narrowest possible majority in the Senate. There are 50 Republicans and 50 Democrats, but Vice President Kamala Harris can use a decisive vote. On November 8, both majorities can smoke. On the same day, thousands of local politicians will also stand for election in the states. The states are responsible for conducting elections. And the state secretaries are the ones responsible for the rules themselves and the approval. Posters in Oregon are protesting against what many believe was a stolen election. Photo: Gillian Flaccus / AP Believes more elections have not been fair Jim Marchant has said there have been no fair elections in the state in 20 years. He says he will clean up the US election system if he becomes Secretary of State. He is not alone: ​​As many as 20 of the candidates running for secretary of state will reject election results in 2020, according to an analysis by The New York Times. “It’s like putting a pyromaniac in charge of a fire station,” Joanna Lydgate told The New York Times. She is the head of the United States Action organization, which monitors elections across the United States. She says it is “an anti-democratic strategy” to change players who will then change the rules. Several major studies have been conducted on potential election fraud in the United States in recent years. No one has found any evidence of widespread electoral fraud.
