Trump received income from a number of other countries while he was president – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

On Friday, Congress published Donald Trump’s tax returns for the years 2015-2020. In total, there were around 6,000 pages of documents. There are about 2,700 pages of individual documents from Trump and his wife Melania and more than 3,000 documents from Trump’s businesses. After the publication, most attention was paid to how little tax Trump paid. The Trump couple paid no more than $750 in federal income tax in 2016 and 2017. In 2018, he paid just under a million dollars and in 2019, $133,400. In 2020, he paid no tax at all. Now journalists and others have had a little more time to go through tax returns. They have found several startling conditions. Donald Trump’s tax returns from 2015 to 2020 were published on Friday. Photo: Jon Elswick / AP Money not given away During the 2016 election campaign, Donald Trump said he would give away his entire presidential salary of $400,000 if elected. – I will completely give up my salary if I become president, Trump said, according to the New York Times. While he was president, he also boasted several times that he gave away his salary, writes CNN. – While the press doesn’t like to write about it, I donate my annual presidential salary of $400,000 to various public enterprises during the year, Trump wrote on Twitter in 2019. Now the tax return shows that Trump did not give away any money at all recently the year he was president. Money given to charity is tax deductible in the US. Now the Congressional Tax Committee is questioning several of Trump’s alleged gifts. Among other things, Trump has claimed deductions for donations of large amounts in cash, without being able to document that the money has actually been given away. Donald Trump’s tax returns have been a topic of contention for years. Here from a demonstration in March 2017. Photo: MANDEL NGAN / AFP Accounts in several countries The tax returns also show that Trump had bank accounts in China, Ireland and Great Britain in the years 2015 to 2017. In 2018, he had apparently closed the accounts in China and Ireland. That year he only reported the UK account. 2017, the last year he had a bank account in China, was also Trump’s first year as president. It is contrary to what he said during a presidential debate in 2020. Then he said that he thought the account was closed in 2015. – I closed it before I stood as a presidential candidate, and at least before I became president. The newly elected Democratic congressman Daniel Goldman says that usually you only have accounts in other countries if you make transactions in that country’s currency. – What kind of business did Trump do in China while he was president? asks Goldman. Income from many countries The tax returns also show that Trump had income from over ten countries while he was president, writes Politico. From 2015 to 2020, Trump had income from Canada, Panama, the Philippines, Ireland, the United Arab Emirates and the United Kingdom, among others. He has had large incomes from several countries. In 2017, his first year as president, he had gross receipts of at least $35.3 million from Canada. In the same year, he earned $6.5 million from China, $5.8 million from Indonesia, and $5.7 million from India.
