Trump is ridiculed after “big announcement” – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

On Wednesday, the former president said he was going to make some big news. On Thursday, Trump made the “big announcement”, which is that he will bring superhero cards with himself on them. – Get your cards now, says Donald Trump in a video. – A limited edition of cards with fantastic animation of my life and career, he says further and promises exciting cards. EXPENSIVE CARDS: 45,000 cards will initially be sold, enabling the former president to earn almost NOK 44 million. Photo: Trump campaign Ridiculed The cards cost 99 dollars per card, which corresponds to around 980 Norwegian kroner. The cards have pictures of himself in various roles and superhero costumes. – It could be the perfect Christmas present. This is what the former president says in a video published on CollecttrumpCards, the website for his new collectible cards. – America needs a superhero, Trump says in an animation of himself in a superhero costume standing outside Trump Tower and shooting lasers out of his eyes. What Trump himself calls a big announcement is now being ridiculed by many on the internet. Ginger Gibson, Washington editor for NBC, writes “Donald Trump’s big announcement seems to be that he still thinks people will give him $99 when he asks,” according to The Guardian. MANY CHOICES: If you want to buy one of Trump’s superhero cards, there are several different cards to choose from. Photo: Trump campaign On Twitter, writer John Kiriakou writes “Just when you thought he couldn’t humiliate himself more than he already has”. Another wrote on Twitter: “This is somehow hysterically dumber than even I expected.” In the video that the former president has published, he says that anyone who buys 45 or more “Trump Digital Trading Cards”, as the cards are called, is guaranteed a ticket to attend a so-called gala dinner with Trump in Florida, according to CollecttrumpCards. The site also has a contest with prizes including a meeting with Trump, a 10-minute one-on-one Zoom call and a one-hour round of golf at Trump Golf Palm Beach. AMAZING: Donald Trump says the cards are an amazing animation of his life and his career. Photo: Trump campaign Can earn 44 million The American newspaper Variety writes that Donald Trump hopes to bring in a little more money by selling cards that show him in strange fantasy scenarios and various other scenes. Variety is not alone in thinking that, several American newspapers believe that the advertising of Trump’s superhero card is because he needs money. Trump has recently faced a number of legal problems, and earlier in December, the Trump company was found guilty of tax fraud. On Trump’s new website, they state that they are initially selling 45,000 cards. If he manages to sell out all the cards, he can earn almost NOK 44 million. – Don’t wait! They will be gone, very quickly, I think. SOLD OUT: Donald Trump himself says that he thinks all the cards will be sold out, and that you have to buy the cards quickly. Photo: Trump campaign
