Trump is immune from “official” actions related to the 2020 election – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

It is the last day before the summer vacation in the US Supreme Court. The nine judges gathered on Monday, actually a day overtime, to discuss whether former President Donald Trump (78) can be prosecuted in one of the cases against him. On Monday afternoon, six to three judges voted that former presidents of the United States are entitled to some immunity for their official acts while sitting in the White House. It does not apply to acts they carried out as private individuals, write several American media. Trump is federally indicted on four counts for attempting to change the election results and to prevent approval of the results in 2020. Then the majority in the United States voted for Joe Biden as their next president. Trump denies criminal liability, and believes the cases against him are politically motivated. The Supreme Court has six conservative judges, among the three that Trump himself appointed, and three liberals. Photo: J. Scott Applewhite / AP Meiner it opens up for future “blackmail” The legal process has been on pause while the Supreme Court discussed whether Trump should be granted immunity. Trump has demanded to be immune from criminal prosecution because he was president when he carried out the actions that the indictment refers to, writes Reuters. A central question in the Supreme Court’s discussion has thus been whether Trump did these as a public or private figure. Now the judges have decided that the actions he did as a public figure cannot be prosecuted, but that those he did as a private person can. Regardless of the outcome, the Supreme Court’s handling of the case has postponed the start date of the trial on election interference. Photo: Julio Cortez / AP Trump’s lawyers have previously said that without immunity, all future presidents will be vulnerable to “blackmail” after leaving the White House, according to CNN. Special investigator Jack Smith has stood by his principle that no one should be immune from consequences for their actions, no matter what position they hold. The majority among the American people is unanimous, says a poll from Marquette Law School. Then 60 percent answered that Trump should not be immune from criminal prosecution, even if the actions in question were “official”. Expected, but significant An appeals court in DC decided unanimously in February to reject Trump’s claim. Now that the Supreme Court has ruled on this decision, the election has a lot to say about the way forward, both in this case and in the other cases Trump is involved in. In any case, it is unlikely that the parties managed to complete a trial before the election in November, according to Reuters. Actually, the judges should have concluded before the end of June. Thus, the award comes a day overtime. Photo: Mark Schiefelbein / AP The lawsuit was actually due on March 4 this year. It has not yet been given a new date. One of the points in the indictment carries a penalty of up to 20 years in prison. He has already become the first former US president to be found guilty in a US criminal case. Published 01.07.2024, at 16.34 Updated 01.07.2024, at 16.38
