Trump is an unparalleled danger – Latest news – news

19 October 2022 at 01:18 Woodward: Trump is an unparalleled danger Over eight hours of conversations between former US President Donald Trump and journalist Bob Woodward will be published as an audiobook next week, by the publisher Simon & Schuster Audio. In the book “The Trump Tapes”, Woodward reproduces 20 interviews with Trump from the period 2016 to 2020. Woodward says that he publishes the raw recordings to give people the opportunity to hear Trump’s own words and make their own assessments. Woodward warned in his 2020 book Rage that “Trump is the wrong man for the job” (as president). In this year’s book, he writes that he did not go far enough, and now describes Trump as “an unparalleled danger”. According to CNN, Woodward writes that “history shows that he has led, and continues to lead, an outrageous conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election, which is in reality an attempt to destroy democracy.”
