Trump hints at becoming presidential candidate in new speech – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

– They are fraudsters. Each and every one of them are hateful left-wing radicals who hate puppets and who hate me even more. “I’m just trying to help the dolls,” Trump said. At a political conference in Nashville, last night Norwegian time, the former American president had his first public appearance since the congressional hearings began. In his speech, Donald Trump strongly opposed the committee, which for just over a week has presented its investigation of the congressional storm from last year. Trump calls the whole thing “a one-sided witch hunt.” Despite being thoroughly refuted, Trump continued to call the election of President Joe Biden the rig. He also went to great lengths to launch himself as a presidential candidate in the 2024 election. – Does anyone want me to become president? said Trump, to cheers from the audience. To be close to formal launch Kjelder near the former president has told CNN that he is particularly close to formally launching himself as a candidate. It is bad timing, say several of Trump’s advisers, who according to CNN have advised him to wait until next year, after the smoke around the congressional hearings has subsided. In the hearings, which have been televised in prime time this week, much attention has been paid to Trump’s attempts to stay in power after the presidential election in 2020. According to the committee, Donald Trump tried to pressure then-vice president Mike Pence to reject the election result declare Trump the winner. When Pence refused, Trump fired up the crowd to harm Pence, the committee concludes. “Hang Mike Pence” was the slogan among many of those who broke into Congress. Here is former Vice President Mike Pence in an evacuation room during the incident. Photo: AP Ivanka Trump admitted lie During the hearings, several who previously stood close to Trump have, he defied in his testimonies. Trump’s Justice Minister William Barr stated in the hearings that Trump’s accusations of electoral fraud were “pissed off”. Donald Trump’s own daughter, Ivanka Trump, has also admitted that the allegations that the election was trustworthy were not true. Ivanka was a political adviser in the White House and one of those closest to her father. Greeted With the slogan “faith and freedom” on the podium, Trump was greeted with cheers and cheers from the audience on Saturday night. Trump expressed that the hearings were an attempt by the Democratic Party to arm the judicial system against his political opponents. – The committee refuses to show those who say the good things, the things we want to hear, he said. Other prominent politicians in the Republican Party, such as Ted Cruz and Nikki Haley, were also on the list of speakers. Trump’s loud speech went for almost two hours in front of the audience in Nashville. Photo: HARRISON MCCLARY / Reuters Trump also used speaking time to attack former Vice President Mike Pence for not rejecting votes that Trump thought were false. – Mike Pence had a historic opportunity. But he is a robot, a human conveyor belt, Trump said. In addition, the war in Ukraine would not have happened if he had been in the White House, according to the former president. “It would never have happened if the election was not rig and I was president,” Trump said.
