Trump announces “very big announcement”. – news Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Trump is preparing to launch his third campaign for the White House, US media reports. An announcement will be made at 03:00 on Wednesday Norwegian time. It is expected that he will say that he is running for president again in 2024. – Hopefully, tomorrow will turn out to be one of the most important days in the history of our country, Trump wrote on his social media network on Monday. A red – i.e. Republican – wave was predicted during the by-elections. But the disappointing result for the Republicans has left it open whether Trump will declare himself a presidential candidate. Trump wrote that he is “a little disappointed” by the result, but “that from my personal point of view this was a very big victory,” according to Axios. One of the few Republican winners in the election was Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is emerging as a possible competitor to Trump for the Republican nomination. Photo: Crystal Vander Weit / AP – Cramping Trump remains popular among Republican voters. But to independent and moderate voters, it may appear that he has lost confidence. A lot can happen in two years and that may be why he is throwing himself into this now. Political editor at Dagsavisen, Lars West Johnsen, says it is impossible to rule anything out. He believes Trump’s chances are less now than they have been in the past. – He has gone bang after bang after bang. All of his designated candidates have lost, whether at the gubernatorial level or to the Senate. Far-right candidates in the US are now coming out and saying that this man is not fit to lead us. Johnsen says that Trump has surprised the world before and that Trump now has deep pockets. – He has brought in huge sums, so he is ready to run a big campaign. It will be very exciting tonight. America is trembling a little now at the thought of what he will come up with, says Johnsen. Trump speaks to supporters on Nov. 7 in Dayton, Ohio. Photo: GAELEN MORSE / Reuters – Trump tries to scare DeSantis away Several recent national polls in key states show that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is leading Trump. – DeSantis leads 65 to 30 in Florida. It would be embarrassing for Trump if he were to lose Florida, says Jan Arild Snoen, writer for Minerva and Aftenposten. Jan Arild Snoen, writer in Minerva and Aftenposten. Photo: Philippe Bédos Ulvin / news – If he were to lose against a party colleague, it would be a big defeat. Trump is trying to scare Ron DeSantis away tonight, but it is too late after the good election DeSantis made in Florida where he is governor, he says. Snoen believes that Trump’s chances of becoming president have weakened, but that victory cannot be ruled out. – We must remember that he won very narrowly in 2016, but he also lost very narrowly in 2020, so we cannot rule it out, but now he has problems winning the nomination in his own party, and it will be a big defeat for him. – Very, very, very likely In election meeting after election meeting, Donald Trump has excited his supporters with undisguised hints that he will stand as a candidate in his third presidential election in a row. He has said that it is “very, very, very likely” that he will run again and that the announcement will come “very, very soon” In an interview with ABC News published yesterday, former Vice President Mike Pence came out and said Donald Trump put many lives at risk on January 6 last year when he had fanatical supporters turn against Congress. – I believe that the president’s words were reckless. It became clear that he chose to be part of the problem, says Pence in an interview with ABC News.
