Trondheim municipality has breached the requirement for reasonableness in the case of Alf Ingar Selven in Klæbu – news Trøndelag

Alf Ingar Selven moved from the municipal housing association Sagmyra to the municipal nursing home Klæbu health and welfare center in March this year in order to have a better life. Instead, he ended up starving and thirsty to death, according to his siblings. news told the story of Alf Ingar and the Klæbu health and welfare center this summer. The state administrator in Trøndelag established supervision of Trondheim municipality. Now they have concluded: – Trondheim municipality has breached requirements for soundness and also requirements for record keeping, says county doctor Jan Vaage to news on Thursday morning. Must not have taken in enough nutrition The law requires that patients receive appropriate health care. In the Alf Ingar case, the State Administrator believes that he has uncovered major shortcomings in care, maintenance and record-keeping. Vaage says the matter is serious. – We have a person who is moving from one level of care in Trondheim to another, because he has greater needs. Then it is felt that he receives less nurturing and care at a higher level than he received in the residential and activity housing. This client ended up dying after three weeks in a nursing home. On Thursday morning, news was in contact with the director of health and welfare in Trondheim, Wenche Dehli. She has not yet had the opportunity to be interviewed. Unit manager at Klæbu health and welfare centre, Rita Løvli Yri, does not wish to comment on the matter now. She needs more time to familiarize herself with the decision from the State Administrator, she says to news. County doctor in Trøndelag, Jan Vaage. Photo: Stein Roar Leite / news Alf Ingar’s brother: – I am not surprised The State Administrator cannot say that there is a direct connection between the death and the care Selven received. – But what we see is that they failed to take care of the expertise that was the residential and activity housing when the patient came to the health and welfare centre, says Vaage. – I am not surprised. I expected them to come to this conclusion. I still stand by the fact that Alf Ingar starved to death and that he was dehydrated. That’s what Kurt Selven, Alf Ingar’s older brother, says. He still blames himself a lot. Photo: Morten Waagø / news – I would never in the world have agreed to send Alf Ingar to the nursing home if I had known all this. I hope Trondheim municipality learns from this case, says Selven. His aim in complaining to the State Administrator and appearing in the media was to help ensure that no one in need of care in the future experiences the same as his brother. Kurt Selven has been in a meeting with the municipality to come up with suggestions on how this should not happen. He is very concerned that staffing must be improved – and that correct assessments must be made before a patient is moved to a nursing home. Did not do enough to find out why In the inspection report it is pointed out that staff at the housing and activity facility went to great lengths to transfer the necessary knowledge about the patient’s illnesses, challenges and condition, but that the nursing home had no system to receive this knowledge. The state administrator believes that it turned out that Selven was not getting enough nutrition, and that he had a significantly reduced state of health after the move. Although within a relatively short time he showed signs of becoming increasingly ill and losing weight, the nursing home did not carry out thorough enough investigations to find out why, according to the State Administrator. They point out that the municipality failed, did not follow its own routines on several occasions and that the supervising doctor at the nursing home did not carry out thorough enough investigations. Photo: Bent Lindsetmo / news Must answer several specific questions Part of what Trondheim municipality receives criticism for is therefore insufficient record keeping. The state administrator believes that the record-keeping has been so bad that they have struggled to follow the actual conditions. – When the patient gets so much worse in a short time, the municipality must have a system to introduce measures, says Vaage. Trondheim municipality has now been asked to give the State Administrator several concrete answers: A description of how the management monitors that residents at the nursing home receive the health and care services they need. An account of how the municipality assesses the relationship between staffing and the residents’ needs for health and care services at the nursing home. An explanation of the factors that led to the municipality’s own internal routines not being followed at the nursing home. How the management will ensure that record-keeping takes place in line with the legal requirements in the future. – We are concerned that the municipality must use this situation for learning, so that something similar cannot happen again, says the county doctor to news.
