Trond Giske’s local team has gained close to 1,000 members in just one week – news Trøndelag

In a post on Facebook on Sunday evening, Trond Giske writes that the local team Nidaro’s social democratic forum has had a very good week. Because during the last week, 800 new members have signed up. According to the post on Facebook, the party has room for even more. Giske thanks everyone who has been there. Photo: Screenshot from Facebook – It’s absolutely stunning! This surpasses everything that any of us had imagined when less than a year ago there were 16 members in the team, writes Giske in an SMS to news. He further says that this contributes to inspiration and optimism. and believe that the social democratic values ​​still stand strong. – And we need that in a time of bad opinion polls. We will continue to talk about the issues that are important in people’s everyday lives, such as safe finances, pensions and management of the electricity market. Gets praise from the party secretary Before the weekend, Inger Ågesdotter told Hovengen why she has chosen to join Giske’s local team. She believes that many people are not well enough looked after with the current policy. And that the Trønder can do an important job for Ap. – I see that Nidaros represents the true social democratic spirit that I feel is very absent in the Labor Party otherwise, she says. Nidaro’s Social Democratic Forum has become the Labor Party’s largest local team in a record time. Now with 2000 members. At the same time, the party is struggling nationally in the opinion polls. Party secretary in the Labor Party, Kjersti Stenseng, has also stated that Giske has made a good effort to reach out widely. She tells news that the local teams are very important to the party. But she also believes it is important to gather all the local teams and members around a common platform. Nidaro’s Social Democratic Forum celebrates the day with cake. Photo: Trond Giske
