Tribune overturns at Levanger – safety zone of 300 meters created – news Trøndelag – Local news, TV and radio

– It is a grandstand that has most likely been lifted by the wind last night, which has hit the tank that has caused the leak. That’s what incident leader Torstein Hansen in the police says. Operations leader Torstein Hansen in the police. Photo: Vegard Woll / news The police cordoned off the area around the sports ground, and created a 300-metre safety zone on Sunday morning. It took several hours before people came to take care of the leak. But there was never any danger to people in the area because the wind caused the gas to dissolve quickly. Around half past two, they lifted the 300 meter safety zone. Second time in a week It is the second time in a week that this stand has fallen over. It happened for the first time during the extreme weather “Ingunn”. – There was a violent wind on Thursday where it was tipped backwards. Then we pushed it into place. But this time it was thrown even further back, says Fredrik Feragen Fossum who is operations manager for Levanger arena. He says that it is an old wooden tribune. – We have to see if we are going to take any measures around it. After Levanger FK moved up to the first division, questions have been asked about whether the stand, which is run by the municipality, maintains a good enough standard. – The association has demands, and both the club and we want to develop the facility. There is a plan for upgrading, but then there is a question of costs, says Fossum. This is what it looked like after the wind played havoc with the grandstand at Moan. Photo: Vegard Woll / news Canceled training match – There should have been four training matches today. We had to cancel the first one, says Fossum. After 13:30 the football field was opened again. It was the operations manager who himself reported to the fire service on Sunday morning. The propane that caused problems is used to heat the track in the winter. – It has not been reported that there are any people injured there, says operations manager Maja Sagen in the police. Crews from both the fire service and the police were in place on Sunday morning. Photo: Vegard Woll / news
