Trial after the murder of Søm – Not guilty of double murder – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

On Monday, the trial starts after the double murder at Søm in Kristiansand on 28 March last year. According to the indictment, the father of seven must have killed his daughter and wife using a hammer and knife. Both are said to have died after a short time. On Monday, the 56-year-old appeared in Agder district court. He pleads not guilty to the two murders. Public prosecutor Jan Tallaksen read out the prosecution decision. District court judge Ben Fegran then asked the defendant if he pleads guilty. – No, I don’t remember anything, replied the defendant. The accused has himself wished to explain himself in court. No clear motive for the murders State prosecutor Jan Tallaksen says during the first day in court that there is no clear motive for the murders. Following the incident, the police stated that honor killing was one of the hypotheses the investigators had. This was justified by the family’s background, religious point of view and other surrounding factors. – It seems as if the actions were not committed with a so-called honor motive. Nevertheless, there is evidence that the wife wanted a divorce and that the defendant was against this, says Tallaksen. He says that the family dynamics must have changed after the family moved to Kristiansand in 2020. – He has been perceived as strict and hot-tempered towards his spouse and children, says Tallaksen. The public prosecutor’s office has considered his weakening role in the family as something that he was the cause of. The investigation has nevertheless not been able to establish any clear motive. The defendant says he does not remember anything from the incident. Minor son witnessed It was 42-year-old Najah Alsharaa and 20-year-old Khadijeh Saed who were killed in the family’s house in the district of Kristiansand. In his introductory lecture, State Attorney Tallaksen says that the police and ambulance went to the family’s home on Søm at 1.22 pm. The two were found in the hallway. The son in the house is said to have come home from school at the time when the murders took place. The father is also charged with having carried out the murder with his son as a witness. The 56-year-old’s mental state was examined after the incident. He has been assessed as sane when the murders took place, the report from the forensic psychiatrists shows. Crime scene technicians were at the scene on Søm after the double murder on 28 March 2022. Photo: Kjetil Samuelsen Questioned twice The defendant has explained himself to the police on two occasions. The first time on 12 May 2022. Then he denies knowledge of the murders, and denies guilt. On 28 June, he was questioned again by the police. In this interrogation, it seems that he is struggling to remember even more than in the first interrogation, according to Tallaksen. Photo: private Neighbor notified the police Fædrelandsvennen has previously written that there is an audio recording from the minutes after the murders took place. On the recording, the accused’s statements can be heard, according to a ruling from the Agder district court. The man who called the police was a neighbor of the 56-year-old. The neighbor is said to have been called by the accused murderer after the incident. The person realized something was wrong and notified the police. The neighbor is summoned as a witness during the trial. On their way home from school, several young people came into the middle of the drama that unfolded in the residential area in Kristiansand. The 56-year-old accused of murder turned himself in to the police after the murder. He was admitted to hospital after the incident, and did not want to be questioned by the police. The motive for the murders is not yet known. Five days have been set aside for the trial in Agder District Court. Double murder in Kristiansand Two women were killed with a stabbing weapon in Kristiansand. A man in his 50s has been charged with two murders. At 1.20pm the police received a report of a serious incident of violence in a residential area on Søm in Kristiansand. Two adult women were taken to Sørlandet Hospital. They were declared dead shortly after arrival. The perpetrator reported himself at the police station in Kristiansand. It is a man in his 50s. He was charged with the murder of two people. The police confirmed that there was a relationship between the accused and the two dead. Both the accused and the dead are originally from Syria. The police in Agder confirm that they are receiving assistance from Kripos in the investigation. The police also state that they do not yet have a certain identity of the two dead. The accused has not yet been questioned. According to the police, it is due to the man’s condition. He is admitted to the hospital in Arendal. The police are requesting a full forensic psychiatric assessment of the accused. Today’s scheduled prison meeting had to be canceled due to his mental health. The man has still not been questioned by the police. The police state that the deceased are 42-year-old Najah Alsharaa and 20-year-old Khadijeh Saed. The deceased are the accused man’s wife and daughter. Alsharaa is a Syrian citizen and Saed is a Norwegian citizen. The accused was not present at the prison meeting, which was held in the form of an “office business”. The prosecution has asked for four weeks’ detention of the accused. Defense attorney Nils Anders Grønås at the law firm Wigemyr asks the court to consider shortening the period of detention. view more
