Travel New Year’s Eve for the emergency services – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

The night leading up to New Year’s Day has been characterized by a number of events around the country. The country’s police districts report a number of incidents of violence, disturbances and a lot of unreasonable use of fireworks. Here are some of the most serious incidents from last night: In Haugesund, a man was arrested after allegedly biting off parts of another man’s ear. The incident happened at a night club in the city on the night of Sunday. Both those involved are men in their 20s. The victim has been sent to hospital, the police in Sør-Vest say. Elsewhere in the local area, a man in his 30s was sent to Haukeland university status in Bergen after an accident during the launch of fireworks at Stord on the night of Sunday. The police were notified of the accident at Sagvåg in Stord municipality at 1.36am on Sunday. – He has suffered eye injuries. As we understand it, he fired a battery, but only half went off. The man then went away to check, and then it all stopped, operations manager Brit Randulff in the Sørvest police district tells NTB. Man with a gun arrested at a nightclub in Oslo The police in Oslo report that it has been a night characterized by many disturbances and fights. A man was arrested after he brought a weapon into a nightclub in Hegdehaugsveien in Oslo on the night of Sunday. – We were tipped off by the doorman, who had received information from a guest that there was a man with a weapon on the premises. A civilian patrol at the scene tracked down the man, found a weapon and arrested him without drama shortly before 1 a.m., operations manager Tor Gulbrandsen told NTB. He states that it is about a gun, but that there was never any question of a threatening situation. – But this was a real, working weapon, says the operations manager. The man has been placed in custody and is being reported for breaching the Weapons Act, he says. At Haugerud, the police reported that there must have been unreasonable use of fireworks. According to the police, fireworks must have been shot at both people, buildings and vehicles. – Shots have also been fired at the police and at vehicles, without anyone or anything being injured. We are continuing our efforts in the area, stated operations manager Tor Gulbrandsen in the Oslo police district. This was not the only case of unreasonable fireworks use in the capital last night. Sporveien closed both Furuset and Ellingsrudåsen subway stations on Saturday evening after fireworks were set off inside the stations. The stations will remain closed until the first departure on Sunday morning, Sporveien informs on the night of Sunday. – The fireworks were set off inside the vestibule of Ellingsrud station, where you take the lift down, operations manager Tor Gulbrandsen in Oslo tells NTB. No one was injured in the incident, as far as the police know. Several violent incidents – to hospital with stab wounds in Skien A man in his late teens has been sent to hospital with stab wounds after a violent incident in Skien last night. A man in his 30s has been arrested, the police in the South-East report. The police do not yet know the reason for the incident, but believe the violence took place outdoors. In Ålesund, a man in his 40s was seriously injured in an episode of violence on the night of 1 January. Another man has been arrested in the case. – A foreign worker is seriously injured and admitted to Ålesund hospital, operations manager Borge Amdam in the Møre og Romsdal police district tells NTB. He says there were some language challenges initially. A person has been sent to hospital after a violent incident in the center of Stavanger on the night of Sunday. The incident happened at the city terminal. The victim was partially conscious after the violent incident, the police in Sør-Vest say. A teenage boy has been arrested and charged in the case. – These are not life-threatening injuries, but serious enough. We have arrested a man of the same age whom we suspect of being behind the violence, he says. Fire at campsite in Tana The main building at Skiippagurra camping in Tana in Finnmark was completely damaged in a fire on the night of Sunday. The emergency services were notified of the fire at 1.30am. – It gradually developed into a larger fire, and it is still burning, operations manager Jon Kåre Olsen in the Finnmark police district told NTB shortly after 5 o’clock on Sunday morning. He says that the E6, which runs past the campsite, is closed due to the extinguishing work. Otherwise, there have been a few fires around the country, but no major fires as a result of the New Year celebrations. No one was injured when fireworks were shot through a window in a house in Odderhei in Kristiansand on New Year’s Eve. The police in Agder stated that they were at the scene and that there is damage to the window.
