Transporting the king home costs over NOK 2 million – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

This is stated by the Norwegian Defense Forces in a press release on Friday evening. King Harald is hospitalized on the holiday island of Langkawi in Malaysia. The king was in the country on a private holiday when he contracted an infection. The king paid for the holiday himself The royal palace informed news earlier on Friday that the holiday expenses are covered by the king himself. – The King’s expenses for emergency medical treatment are covered by travel insurance. We refer questions about costs related to the medical repatriation to the Government, wrote communications manager Guri Ofstad Varpe in an e-mail to news. Defense footing the bill Earlier this evening, the Ministry of Defense will not answer who will foot the bill, as they received questions from Aftenposten. This evening, therefore, the Norwegian Defense Forces informs that the transport task is estimated to cost just over NOK 2 million and will be paid for with money from the defense budget. The defense budget for 2024 was proposed at NOK 90.8 billion when it was presented last autumn. Needs rest It is not yet clear when the journey home will be. The palace wrote in a press release earlier today that the king will have a few more days of rest and treatment before he returns home. Little is known of the king’s movements prior to his admission, except that he was going on a private trip. Varpe says the castle considers it a public matter when Norway’s head of state is admitted to hospital. – When it comes to the level of detail in the health information we provide, we point out that all health information is confidential – also for the Royal Family, says Varpe. – In this specific situation, we have disseminated information about hospitalization and the reason for it, as well as information about the King’s general health situation. In the king’s absence, Crown Prince Haakon is regent in Norway. King Harald was initially supposed to be back in the country on 7 March.
