Tram has derailed after collision with lorry – Latest news – news

26 October 2023 at 09:12 Tram has derailed after collision with lorry A tram has derailed in Grensen in central Oslo, after colliding with a lorry. – I can confirm that it was an accident. This means that we now do not serve the stretch between Stortorvet and Tinghuset with trams, says Cathrine Myhren-Haugen, press officer in Ruter. There were around 20 people on board. No one was injured, but there was material damage to the tram. – The border is closed in both directions. Salvage is in place, and the fire service is working to get the tram back on track, says operations manager in the Oslo police, Per-Ivar Iversen. At 10.20 the tram was on the track again. Traffic is moving as normal. The lorry driver is reported, but the driver’s license is not seized.
