Train ran over several objects – left there on purpose – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The track is now closed between Larvik and Sandefjord. On Tuesday evening, it was reported that a train must have run over some objects on the railway line at Elveveien in Larvik. The track is now closed between Larvik and Sandefjord. When the train slowed down, they are said to have discovered logs and a gas cylinder in the track. No person shall be injured. The train has now stopped, and the police are investigating the area with a view to finding the perpetrator, write Sør-aust police district on Twitter. – We are on site with several patrols. The train is still stationary, the police write. They wish to contact any witnesses. – This has happened in the Elveveien area. There is no doubt that the objects were placed there on purpose. There is also talk of a stone slab, writes the operations manager. A person with a headlamp in the area There was, among other things, a fire extinguisher and concrete blocks with rebar in the track, says press officer Harry Korslund in Bane Nor to NTB. According to Korslund, the train driver observed a person with a headlamp in the area. – We are looking at this seriously. Large and heavy objects have the potential to injure third parties, and things can get really bad. Such things in the track can lead to derailments when the train arrives at high speed, says Korslund to NTB.
