Traffic chaos in Hardanger due to road closures – news Vestland

– Then you get campervans to Kinsarvik. Kjell Bay directs the traffic going on ferries to Kvanndal and Kinsarvik. There are long queues and a lot of waiting after the road between Tyssedal and Stana was closed. Crash in the same city The queue started after the road was closed on Monday due to a crash. The Swedish Road Traffic Center then quickly announced that highway 13 between Odda and Hardangerbrua would be closed until Wednesday. On Tuesday evening, the Swedish Traffic Agency announced that the section will continue to be closed for a longer period. They will take an assessment at the earliest on Thursday at 12.00, they wrote on Twitter. – Yesterday we took an extra departure to Kinsarvik, but when we left for the day there were 60 cars left, says Bay. The waiting time is today two to three hours for those who want to go to Kvanndal. Those going to Kinsarvik must expect to wait for over three hours. Photo: Jan Børge Leirvik / news – Today we let people cross the old road to Jondal, but you know you don’t want to send the tourists over that road, says the traffic director. The collapse happened in the same place as the collapse on Wednesday. Then there were 1,000 cubic meters of rock that tumbled down the mountain and blocked the road. The road has extra traffic this summer due to visiting tourists. Abandoned travelers – I think it’s a bad plan, says Sven Hauge Pettersen. He and his wife are one of many who have stood in line for several hours. They have driven from Stavanger and are going to Geilo. – Here they could have put in more ferries, and preferably ferries that take more than 16 cars, he says. Pettersen believes that he and his wife are among the lucky ones. They have a mobile home and can cook for themselves and take turns eating. Photo: Jan Børge Leirvik / news The ferry to Kinsarvik only has room for 16 cars. If camper vans and tour buses are to be taken on the ferry, there will be room for even fewer. Among those queuing are several cars with children and young people on board. Few departures – We are disappointed and angry because we think this could have been avoided, says Ullensvang mayor Roald Aga Haug (Ap). He believes that even before the weekend there was a warning about a possible landslide and closure of the road. – Then it is disappointing that it is not possible to have a ferry on standby, the mayor claims. There is a tight line-up and poor space between the cars that are queuing. Photo: Jan Børge Leirvik / news The director of Skyss, which operates the ferry service, says that they have tried to find extra personnel, but that they have not been successful due to holiday closures.
