Tracks new food price jump – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

Food prices have not increased faster in 40 years, and in a couple of weeks one of the year’s two price windows in the food industry will arrive. On 1 July, food prices tend to increase to adjust for wage settlements, agricultural settlements and increased prices from suppliers for other reasons. Although prices have already increased by 7 percent since December, according to Statistics Norway, food researcher Ivar Pettersen in Alo Analyze believes that more is in store for the summer holidays. – It is the agricultural settlement that triggers price adjustments along the entire value chain. Here, there may be a strong price adjustment, of 4–5 per cent perhaps in July. Then it will probably go down again in August, says Alo Analyse manager Ivar Pettersen. Increased food prices The comparison of food prices and the wage trend says something about whether you get more, less or the same amount for your money. When the development of food prices is higher than the development of wages, it means that food has become more expensive. Both figures are averages for the specified period. Read more about sources and reservations here. How much food prices have increased in the last year, compared to salary development – Physjameg In Lillehammer, Anne Lise Wolden is on a shopping trip with her husband, and is presented with the price forecast by news: – Physjameg, it’s far too much! She is holding two carrier bags that she paid NOK 600 for, and believes the same shopping trip would have cost around NOK 400 last year. She is frustrated by the price increase. – It’s not possible to go on strike either, because you have to have food. We are not the worst exposed then, but I think with those who are younger and families with children. We manage well. We just have to take it as it comes, she says about the July notice. Even before the previous price window on February 1, many thought that prices would increase a lot, but prices were kept calm. Anne-Lise Wolden on a shopping trip with Knut Wolden. Photo: Geir Randby / news Høyre asks the government to hurry In the government and in the Storting, developments in the grocery market are also followed with frustration. Industry Minister Jan Christian Vestre (Ap) has ordered an investigation into the price windows of 1 February and 1 July, because all food chains traditionally set prices then based on changes from food suppliers. news has asked the Ministry of Industry and Trade what is the status of the work, and has not yet received an answer. The right-wing parliamentary representative Lene Westgaard-Halle is calling for an investigation into price windows, and is concerned that food prices are going up unnecessarily. – There is a lot of talk about investigations and committees, but something concrete must happen soon, she says to news. For decades, politicians have investigated how competition can be improved in the grocery market in Norway. In May last year, a majority in the Storting agreed to introduce more measures, and the government promised to follow up by strengthening the measures. One of them will ensure that the largest food chains do not receive large discounts on purchase prices. – We have decided in the Storting that regulations against price discrimination should be in place. It should come before the summer, she says.
