Tourists in Å in Lofoten must report the cabin owner after they blew on the sea – news Nordland

On Sunday evening, four tourists were sent to hospital after the cabin they were staying in in Lofoten was blown into the sea. The dramatic and life-threatening situation arose because the cabins could not withstand the strong wind in the area. The cabin was crushed to sticks, while the tourists were rescued by the icy water. On Tuesday afternoon, two of the four tourists were discharged from Nordlandssykehuset Lofoten in Gravdal. The other two tourists have been diagnosed with broken back injuries, and cannot be discharged yet. Vincent and Sreypov are now stuck in Lofoten without passports, bank cards, insurance certificates and mobile phones. The car key to the rental car they took out in Bodø is also at the bottom of the sea. They now have to get to Oslo and the French embassy to get new passports issued. The tourists who ended up on the lake were helped by the tourists who lived in the cabin in the picture. In the picture you can clearly see that the cabin is also dangerously close to being blown into the sea, but it is secured with rope now, after the incident. Photo: Helge Lyngmoe / news Reviews the owners They are grateful for all the help and good treatment at the hospital. – We are less impressed by those who have set up these cabins, says Vincent Dussauze from France. He informs news that he will report the owners of the campsite to the police, and apply for compensation. – We were in mortal danger, and everything we had with us is at the bottom of the sea, he says. On Monday, he and his wife Sreypov said they felt the cabin being lifted off its foundation. – It felt like we were flying through the air. Everything went very quickly, but I managed to think: “now we’re going to die”. This is what the French tourists looked like after being blown to sea along with the cabin. Photo: John Inge Johansen / news No status as charged The day after the accident, many people wonder how the cabin at the Moskstraumen AS campsite in Å could be swept into the sea. In the comment fields on Facebook, there are several people who suggest that the cabins were not well enough anchored in the ground. The police are in full swing investigating whether the houses were built as they should be. – It is worrisome that it happens, because it should not happen. Because he was not that strong last night that something like this should blow on the sea, says police station chief Ketil Finstad-Steira Vest-Lofoten police station. He informs the police that so far he has not been to the scene of the accident or spoken to the owners of the campsite. – I understand that it must have been a traumatic experience for those who blew at sea, and so we are very happy that it went well, says police station chief Ketil Finstad Steira. Photo: John Inge Johansen / news – We have opened an investigation case to find out if something criminal has happened. As for the status of the owners, they have not been charged. We will decide on this when we have more information on the matter. Ordknapp municipality Moskenes municipality confirms to news that they are considering taking a closer look at the case, as a supervisory authority, but that they are waiting until the police have made an assessment first. – The municipality has a supervisory role, and in this case we will consider opening a supervisory case. We are aware that the police have opened an investigation case, and we think we will wait until we know what they find out before we decide what to do next, says municipal director Randi Gregersen. – Is it dangerous to come as a tourist to Moskenes? – No. I think that accidents can happen everywhere, and as long as it is not intentional, that we do not create anything dangerous, then Moskenes is a fantastic place to be a tourist. – What does this have to say for the reputation of Moskenes as a tourist destination? – I think people understand that accidents can happen, and I don’t think it will have any major consequences, concludes Gregersen. – Must withstand wind Edvard Høsteng Rød is chief engineer in the Directorate for Building Quality. He emphasizes that he does not know the specific case from Lofoten, and has only read about it through the media. This view met the police when they arrived at the campsite on the night of Monday. Photo: The police – In general, we can say that building technical regulations (TEK 17) require that buildings be designed and constructed so that, among other things, they can withstand wind and other expected loads. He adds that foundations are an important part of the design. – The responsible designer and contractor is responsible for ensuring that the construction meets the regulations. Jan Vidar Moen is a senior engineer for architecture, building materials and constructions at Sintef. A sea shed was blown to sea in Å in Moskenes. Four people stayed in the sea shed, and have been sent to hospital. On a general basis, he says that it can happen that a cabin can blow on the sea if the anchorage is not good enough. He also says that there are several ways in which modular buildings can be built up and attached. – But it depends on whether it is a complete ready-made building or it is built on the site. Some buildings come without a floor and are anchored in a ring wall. Others can be placed on joists that are anchored in the ground. – Can the building’s own weight be enough? – A building must have a mechanical resistance, this can be self-weight. But only in rare cases is own weight enough, says Moen. Got permission to set up 30 cabins It is Vidar Femdal Røe from Oslo who owns the campsite, and is coming to Lofoten today. He writes in an e-mail to news that the company is working to get an overview of the incident and the circumstances. This is what the approximately 30 planned cabins at the campsite at Å look like. Photo: Arkitektkontor Manthey Kula According to Lofotposten, Vidar Femdal Røe bought the campsite on E10 in April 2021 for NOK 9 million through the company Moskstraumen AS. The 27 square meter cabins are fully built in Estonia, and transported on a trailer to Å through Finland and Sweden. The cabins consist of a living room and kitchenette, a bathroom and a loft. In addition, Moskenes municipality has given Moskstraumen AS permission to build a new tourism facility with 30 camping cabins. news has asked Røe what he thinks about the police investigation, and whether he thinks the foundation is good enough. He has not answered that question. He has also been presented with the criticism from the tourists, and has been informed that they intend to report him to the police for the incident that occurred. He hasn’t answered that either.
