Torjus Seland (7) found dead in Lindesnes – Latest news – news

18 October 2023 at 10:43 Torjus Seland (7) found dead in Lindesnes It was Torjus Seland (7) from Lyngdal who was found dead by search crews on Tuesday afternoon, the police write in a press release. Seland was found by search crews around 4pm on Tuesday afternoon in what was defined as a search area during the search operation. The search had then lasted for over two days. – This is a very tragic case. When children are involved in serious incidents, it makes an extra impression on all of us, says Bernt Mushom, operational unit manager in Vestre Agder operational unit and police station chief in Mandal. The police write that there is no concrete evidence that he has been subjected to a criminal offence. The police have not received a preliminary autopsy report and therefore cannot say anything about the cause of death yet.
