Torjus (7) was found under a large stone slab – news Sørlandet – Local news, TV and radio

18 October 2023 at 20:22 Torjus (7) was found under a large stone slab Torjus Seland was found under a large stone slab, operations unit manager Bernt Mushom in the Agder police district confirms to news. – He was found under a stone slab, which was almost like a natural gap hook, says Mushom. According to the police, this may be the reason why the boy was not caught by heat-seeking cameras. The seven-year-old got away from his family during a hunting trip in a wooded area near Heddan, northwest of Vigeland in Lindesnes on Sunday afternoon. On Tuesday afternoon, he was found dead in the Langemyr area in Lindesnes municipality. It was a dog patrol from the police that made the discovery.
