Tord Torvund hopes to have his own wedding in Finse – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

On Friday evening, Bergensbanen was at a standstill after a contact line was torn down. This led to the train from Bergen being stopped at Voss. Among the passengers was Tord Torvund, who is to marry Thea Kristiansen at Finse on Saturday afternoon. It was TV 2 that told about the complications first. Torvund and several wedding guests therefore had to spend the night in a hotel. – It has been a good night after the relationship. We have a hotel right next to the station, the groom told news on Saturday morning. Just before ten o’clock he received a message that the train would start running again, and that he would be able to make it to the wedding, which will start at 4 o’clock. – Will be a good story Among the guests who are also on the way is Lars Henrik Hjellestad. He says there was a good atmosphere in the group of around 30 people when the message that the toga was going to leave again. – Then it was just a matter of throwing yourself around and getting out of the hotel room. It is good that we are finally on our way. He says they have been of good courage, and had faith that it would work out. He doesn’t think the little drama will affect the party tonight. – It will probably be a bit different, but I think this will ideally be a good story about a wedding that went viral in the news.
