– Took out a machete and started to hit – news Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country

It started as a normal Saturday evening, says Emad Esmail. He was at work as a security guard at Uhört in Torggata, when four men tried to enter. The four had been in a fight at the nightclub a week earlier, and were thus refused entry on Saturday evening. – We said they were not allowed to come in. Then one of them took out a machete and started hitting, says Esmail. Emad Esmail was injured in the hand after the machete attack. Several of his colleagues were also injured. Photo: MIRWAIS MOQUIM / news Tried to grab the weapon The watchman tells of chaotic scenes in the street outside Uhört. Esmail tried to grab the weapon while the perpetrator chased after his colleagues. – I tried to hold the machete while he struck, but I couldn’t, he says. That’s when he was injured in the hand. – It was scary to see someone start hitting with a machete, says the guard. Photo: Truls Antonsen / news A total of four people were injured in the attack, according to the police in Oslo. One of them serious. Several others are also considered offensive given the serious nature of the matter. A man in his twenties has been charged with grievous bodily harm. He pleads guilty, says defense attorney Kai Vaag to news. Several civilians are said to have helped to get control of the perpetrator. Emad Esmail describes the incident as scary. – It is pointless to walk with a machete on the street and hit with a machete. I don’t know what to call this here, he asks in frustration. Two of his colleagues are now in hospital with injuries – one of them seriously. – Now I only think about my colleagues. So I hope it goes well with them, says Esmail. It will be scary to return to work, says Emad Esmail. – You don’t know what people are wearing. Photo: MIRWAIS MOQUIM / news – Scary to return to work It is the first time Esmail has experienced something like this. He has worked as a security guard at Uhørt for a year. – Now it will be scary to return to work. Because you don’t know what people are wearing. I have never seen anyone walk the street with a machete, or hit with a machete, he says. – What do you think he would achieve? – I do not know. But in the end we caught him.
