Took “Magasuget” right after the accident – reacts to it not being closed – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

The police are investigating what happened when an 11-year-old boy fell out of the “Magasuget” on Sunday. The boy suffered abrasions over large parts of his body after he fell out of the slide and slid across the asphalt. General manager René Langeveld Sas at the amusement park confirmed to TV 2 that there was an incident on Sunday. news has made repeated attempts to get an interview with Sas on both Sunday and Monday, without success. The police closed the slide when they arrived at the scene, but in the meantime the slide should have been open to the public. Dagbladet reported earlier on Monday afternoon that Sommarland may have broken the regulations. news reproduced this message. The Norwegian Railway Authority refutes this to news. – There are no conditions discovered at the chute that indicate that it should have been closed, says director Erik Ø. Reiersøl-Johnsen to news. – Weirdly, Helge Andre Lohne was one of those who threw himself into a nine-metre free fall, without knowing that it had just been an accident. – I slipped twice and was told by my son afterwards that I had slipped after the accident had happened, he tells news. Helge Andre Lohne. Photo: Privat Lohne reacts to the fact that the park did not close the slide immediately. – Even though the accident had happened, they left it open and we think it was a bit strange, he says. Lohne has taken “Magasuget” many times before. This time he believes that the slide was experienced differently. – It may have been accidental, but at the bottom I jumped a little on the water. I’m quite a big, heavy man and it’s not something I’ve experienced before, he explains. “Stomach suction” in Bø Sommarland. Photo: Tom Ole Buaas / news Lohne has never heard of an accident at the amusement park before. – I didn’t think anything of it then and there, but in retrospect I think it was strange that they didn’t close it, when after all there had been an accident, says Lohne. Has not uncovered a breach of the regulations The Norwegian Railway Inspectorate has investigated the water slide on Monday, after the police notified them of the accident. – In the first place, the slide should have been closed until they had found the cause, says Director of the Norwegian Railway Authority, Erik Ø. Reiersøl-Johnsen to news on Monday afternoon. Erik Ø. Reiersøl-Johnsen, Director of the Norwegian Railway Inspectorate. Photo: STATENS JERNBANETILSYN That does not mean, however, that Bø Sommarland has not followed the regulations, he emphasizes. According to Reiersøl-Johnsen, it is the amusement park itself that must make an assessment of whether there is something technically wrong with the slide. He does not know what Bø Sommarland did before they opened the slide to the public after the accident. The Norwegian Railway Authority’s inspection has not revealed any breach of the regulations in relation to the chute on the slide on Monday, says the director. – There are no conditions discovered at the chute that indicate that it should have been closed, says Reiersøl-Johnsen. He does not want to speculate on what could be the cause of the accident. – The slide can be used, that one, he says to news. The police survey Prosecutor Margit Slåtta Flothyl tells news that the police are working on mapping the sequence of events. Margit Slåtta Flothyl, prosecuting officer in the police. Photo: Tom Ole Buaas / news The police have obtained video surveillance around the waterslide in Bø. They have also carried out interrogations in the amusement park. – Some investigations have also been carried out into whether the slide is in accordance with the instructions, she says. According to the police, no one has status as a suspect or accused in the case at this time.
