– Too stupid to make a 20-year-old a scapegoat – news Oslo og Viken – Local news, TV and radio

– The district court and the police say they want to set an example. I think it would be too stupid to make an example out of a 20-year-old, who has not been convicted before for something like this. He is made the scapegoat for an entire environment. It will be too violent. That’s what Sonja Brandtzæg (27) says to news. She has been part of the robbery scene in Drammen since she was 13 years old, and in 2019 she was in the news series “Sjette gir”. What do you think should be done? Have your say at the bottom of the matter. What Brandtzæg is reacting to is the judgment from the Asker, Bærum and Ringerike district court which states that the police can confiscate the car of the 20-year-old from Bærum who raced on the E18 in Lierbakkene on 9 June this year. The 20-year-old was also sentenced to 60 days in unconditional prison and the loss of his driving license for 38 months. The image from the car to UP shows how cars block the E18 ahead of a race from Lier towards Drammen. Photo: The police – Yes, give him the prison sentence, give him the fine and take away his driver’s license. Okay. But don’t see him again as a debt slave afterwards. Because that will be the result of this, says Brandtzæg and adds: – We must be able to guide these young people a little on the right path. This is a large environment that we do not see. It flares up extremely when you do this. Brandtzæg has previously said that she fears the organized race will destroy several years of work the robbers have put in to be “accepted”. Photo: Tordis Gauteplass / news Appeal against the verdict due to the confiscation The man’s defender, Tom-Daniel Karlstad, wrote in an SMS to news right after the verdict was announced that they are appealing. – As he stated in court, he is ready to take his punishment for the relationship, and the appeal only concerns the issue of confiscation as it is believed that the conditions for such confiscation in this case are not met. Confiscation cannot be done solely to send signals to an environment, the conditions must be assessed concretely in the case being dealt with, wrote Karlstad. The race on the E18 ended with one of the cars fleeing the scene. The police chase, which took place at over 200 km/h, ended on a field in Sande in Vestfold and Telemark. Photo: The police The police said on Tuesday that they hope this sends a strong signal to those who are thinking of driving in such a way. – Here we are talking about a case where you block the E18, have a race and run away from the police at an average speed of 211 km/h over a very long stretch. It’s dangerous driving. We know it’s not the first time there’s been racing – and we want that sport alive, said deputy police officer at the South East police district, Haldis Framstad Skaare. I think the rules will ensure that more people try to run away. Brandtzæg agrees that it is too much to close the E18 to race. Drammens Tidende mentioned the case first. She says to news that she is very happy that the police have made a clear distinction between this car environment and the robber environment of which she herself is a part. – It is organized idiocy. There is nothing that makes what he has done a decent thing. I’m not trying to protect him, because he will have his punishment like everyone else. But he shouldn’t have his life ruined, she explains. – But do you see that this can act as a deterrent? – Both yes and no. It might scare some, but I don’t think it will scare enough. If you’ve done what these guys did that night. Been so selfish and taken over a highway. Drove that idiocy, at that speed, without thinking of any consequences. Why should they think any further when the car is towed in? – The only thing it results in is that when you see that the police are behind you, you say “Now they’re taking my car anyway. Why not just drive?”. We are creating dangerous situations, because people will want to run away more. Brandtzæg has previously proposed introducing the same rules as for obtaining driving licenses for heavy motorcycles. The fact that you have to wait until you turn 24 before you can drive fast cars, with 5-600 horsepower, will have an effect, she believes. What should be done to stop racing? Have your say below. Hello! Welcome to dialogue at news. Since you are logged in to other news services, you do not have to log in again here, but we need your consent to our terms of use for online dialogue
