Tonje Brenna has answered questions related to competence – news Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

The Control and Constitution Committee today received Tonje Brenna’s account of the handling of the issues of integrity relating to board members in Utøya AS and Frode Elgesem. On 20 June, it became known that Brenna gave a board position in the foundation Wergelandsenteret to team judge Frode Elgesem, to whom she has now declared herself incompetent. On the same day that Brenna answers for herself, her Minister for Settlement says that the appointment of Frode Elgesem as board member of the Wergeland center is invalid. – On Friday, I had a meeting with relevant specialist departments in the Ministry of Education and received an introduction to the matter. I have decided that the appointment of Frode Elgesem as a board member of the Wergeland Center is invalid, says Anne Beathe Tvinnerheim (Sp) to TV 2. Tvinnerheim is normally Minister of Development in the Støre government. GOOD FRIENDS: Tonje Brenna and Frode Elgesem hug after the trial after 22 July 2012. Photo: Alexander Widding / Zuma Press The Wergelandsenteret has given money to Utøya AS, where three board members are close friends of Brenna. She has declared herself incompetent to these as well. Had to explain The Control and Constitution Committee has asked to receive all relevant information relating to the case of Education Minister Tonje Brenna’s competence, and a written statement from her. This was sent to the committee on Tuesday 27 June. – I appreciate the opportunity to explain all sides of the case to the control and constitutional committee. I hope this report will provide answers to the questions that the committee members have, says Brenna. These are the questions Brenna must answer. Is the minister competent when it comes to applications from Utøya AS, where three close friends sit on the board? Is the minister competent when it comes to applications from the Wergelandsssenteret, where a close friend sits on the board? Is the minister competent when it comes to appointing a chairman and/or board members for the Wergelands Centre? Was the minister competent when she appointed a friend as a board member for the Wergelandscentre? Is the minister competent in relation to three named board members of Utøya AS? Is the minister competent when it comes to applications from the Raftostiftelsen, where a close friend sits on the board? Has the minister processed applications from the aforementioned businesses, despite disqualification? Was the minister asked to assess his competence before appointing a friend as a board member of the Wergelandssenteret? Did the Minister record an SMS where she was asked to assess her competence before appointing a friend as a board member of the Wergelands Centre? Why didn’t the Prime Minister follow up on his own promise in SMS to “… check that everything is in order”? What was the background for the state secretary asking for a competency assessment? Was the Minister aware that the Secretary of State requested a competency assessment? When did the Secretary of State ask for a competency assessment? Why was the minister’s competence assessment not requested at the same time? When was the Minister informed that the Secretary of State had been declared incompetent? Why does it take twelve days, from the time the Secretary of State was declared incompetent, until the Minister asks to have his disqualification assessed? Why does it take a month from when Minister Brenna asks for a competency assessment, until she declares herself incompetent? Are there other cases where the Minister’s competence should have been assessed, and where it was not done? Could the minister’s disqualification have affected the handling of cases in the ministry? Will any decisions have to be overturned as a result of the minister’s incapacity? If there are other things that are or have not been recorded that may be relevant to the case, the committee asks that this be sent to them. What other matters will the minister explain in this case? (Source: The Progress Party) In her statement to the Storting’s “watchdog”, the Control and Constitution Committee, Brenna explains that she has made “mistakes in handling the question of competence”. – It is serious, and I apologize for that, says Brenna. – The mistake I made by not assessing my competence in these two case complexes early enough and thoroughly enough, has led to me being involved in several cases where I should have resigned due to incompetence. Brenna explains that this applies to the grants for the school project for 2022 and 2023, to the Raftostiftelsen in 2022 and 2023 and the appointment of Frode Elgesem as a board member of the Wergeland Center on 2 May 2023. Will have control case against Brenna Frp leader Sylvi Listhaug reacts to Tonje Brenna’s answer to questions from the Control and Constitutional Committee on handling the issue of competence. REQUIRES ANSWERS: FRP leader Sylvi Listhaug believes there are a number of unanswered questions in the competency case for Tonje Brenna. Photo: ISMAIL BURAK AKKAN / news – Minister of Education Tonje Brenna does not answer the Progress Party’s central question about her own competence well enough. It does not inspire confidence, says Listhaug. The FRP believes that Brenna must answer better why it took several weeks from when her own state secretary asked for an assessment of her competence until she herself did the same. – We also want an answer as to how three months could pass from her good and close friend, Frode Elgesem, asking the minister to assess her competence, until she actually declared herself incompetent to him. There are also other questions raised by the Progress Party which are unanswered, including matters relating to the assessment of the second state secretary’s competence. – The Progress Party will therefore take the initiative for the Control Committee to now establish a formal case against the Minister of Education, says Listhaug.
