Tonight you can (probably) see northern lights over large parts of southern Norway – news Vestfold and Telemark – Local news, TV and radio

In recent days, the northern lights have danced across the sky also in the south of the country. Several people have taken spectacular photos and shared them on social media. The Northern Lights have just begun to announce their arrival at 8.30pm in Stavanger on Monday evening. Photo: Erik Waage / news Eduard Dahl is visiting his mother in Haugesund during the winter holidays. When he read about the northern lights in the local newspaper Haugesunds Avis, he went outside with his mother to see the spectacular play of colors in the sky. – The whole sky was green, there was a wonderful light, and quite an experience. It’s not something you see every day. Mother is well into her 60s and has not experienced seeing the northern lights until now. It was very special to her. Stronger than usual in the south – There have been a lot of northern lights earlier this winter, so it is not entirely unusual. But perhaps stronger than it usually is in southern Norway, says solar researcher Pål Brekke at the Norwegian Space Centre. Pål Brekke is subject manager and solar researcher at the Norwegian Space Centre. Photo: Norsk Romsenter The sun is more active than usual this winter, and there are more solar storms than there have been in previous years. Kjell Bua is a photographer and aurora borealis enthusiast. He did not get out to observe the phenomenon, which rarely manifests itself as far south as in Haugesund. – I deeply regretted that today, when I saw all the pictures that are out there on the internet. If it returns today, people can expect a strong experience. It is rare that I see such beautiful light. Northern lights over Haugesund. Photo: Eduard Dahl – People should get out Tonight and tonight, even stronger activity is reported, but it doesn’t always happen. – If the weather is clear, people should get out, urges Brekke. And then out on a field, a hill, the mountain or the sea. But he asks people to be patient. Northern lights often come in bursts that last for half an hour. This can happen anywhere from ten o’clock tonight or two o’clock in the morning. – Don’t give up, be patient and hold out for a long time, and eventually some northern lights will appear. This applies all the way from Tromsø down to southern Norway. And if it hits properly tonight, the popular sky phenomenon can also be seen all the way down to northern Germany, says the solar researcher. Dress well and get out tonight, urges the Meteorological Institute. This picture was taken at the weekend at Gautefall. Photo: Tom Nicolai Kolstad / news View from the bedroom Someone who has really opened her eyes to the northern lights is Eva Merete Skorge. She lives in the countryside in Sandefjord and says that she has seen it regularly during the last half of the winter. – We are so lucky to see it from the bedroom. Skorge has joined Northern Lights groups on Facebook and follows the various apps that exist. – I think it’s very funny. It often comes so suddenly, suddenly it’s there. Skorge woke up on the night of Monday and looked out the window. There the northern lights danced across the sky. Photo: Eva Merete Skorge Best at midnight The cloud cover cannot be too high or too low, because then you will not see the northern lights, says state meteorologist Iselin Skjærvagen. Large parts of southern Norway will get little clouds this evening and tonight, and only Trøndelag and Møre and Romsdal will have low clouds. – If people go out just before going to bed at eleven o’clock, they may be disappointed and have to wait a little longer, says Skjærvagen. – It looks like it’s best at midnight. Eduard Dahl experienced this sky in Haugesund during the winter holidays.
